Title: Pressure-robust mixed finite element methods and refined a posteriori error control for the Stokes problem Abstract: Classical inf-sup stable mixed finite element methods for the steady incompressible Stokes equations that relax the divergence constraint lead to a pressure-dependent contribution in the velocity error, which is proportional to the inverse of the viscosity. A recently proposed modification of the testfunctions only in the right hand side leads to a discretization that is pressure-robust, i.e., its velocity error converges with optimal order and is independent of the pressure and the smallness of the viscosity. This talk reports on recent developments of this approach. The main part concerns a refined a posteriori velocity error control that reflects the pressure-robustness. Here, the main difficulty lies in the volume contribution of the standard residual-based approach that includes the \(L^2\)-norm of the right-hand side. However, the velocity is only steered by the divergence-free part of this source term and an efficient error estimator must approximate this divergence-free part in a proper manner, otherwise it can be dominated by the pressure error. To overcome this difficulty a novel approach is suggested that only takes the $\mathrm{curl}$ of the right-hand side into account. The pressure-robustness and efficiency of the error estimator is confirmed by some numerical examples.