Module regpy.solvers.linear.tikhonov


class TikhonovCG (setting, data=None, regpar=None, xref=None, x0=None, tol=None, reltolx=None, reltoly=None, all_tol_criteria=True, krylov_basis=None, preconditioner=None, logging_level=20)

The Tikhonov method for linear inverse problems. Minimizes \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2 using a conjugate gradient method. To determine a stopping index yielding guaranteed error bounds, a partial embedded minimal residual method (MR) is used, which can be implemented by updating a scalar parameter in each iteration. For details on the use of the embedded MR method, as proposed by H. Egger in "Numerical realization of Tikhonov regularization: appropriate norms, implementable stopping criteria, and optimal algorithms" in Oberwolfach Reports 9/4, page 3009-3010, 2013; see also the Master thesis by Andrea Dietrich "Analytische und numerische Untersuchung eines Abbruchkriteriums für das CG-Verfahren zur Minimierung von Tikhonov Funktionalen", Univ. Göttingen, 2017


setting : RegularizationSetting
The setting of the forward problem.
data : setting.op.codomain [default: None]
The measured data. If None, then setting must have SquaredNorm as data fidelity and penalty term. In this case xref is ignored, and if setting is a TikhonovRegularizationSetting, then also regpar is ignored. If not None, then setting.penalty and setting.data_fid are ignored except for their Hilbert space structures.
regpar : float [default:None]
The regularization parameter. Must be positive. If None, then setting must be a TikhonovRegularizatioSetting.
xref : setting.op.domain [default: None]
Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros().
x0 : setting.op.domain [default: None]
Starting value of the CG iteration. If None, setting.op.domain.zeros() is used as starting value.
tol : float, default: None
The absoluted tolerance - it guarantees that difference of the final CG iterate to the exact minimizer of the Tikhonov functional
in setting.h_domain.norm is smaller than tol. If None, this criterion is not active (analogously for reltolx and reltoly).
If the noise level is given, it is reasonable value to choose tol in the order of the propagated data noise level, which is noiselevel/2*sqrt(regpar)
reltolx : float, default: 10/sqrt(regpar)
Relative tolerance in domain. Guarantees that the relative error w.r.t. setting.h_domain.norm is smaller than reltolx. The motivation for the default value is similar to that given for tol, assuming a resonable signal-to-noise ratio for the Tikhonov minimizer.
reltoly : float, default: None
Relative tolerance in codomain.
all_tol_criteria : bool (default: True)
If True, the iteration is stopped if all specified tolerance criteria are satisfied. If False, the iteration is stopped if one criterion is satisfied.
krylov_basis : Compute orthonormal basis vectors of the Krylov subspaces while running CG solver
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class TikhonovCG(RegSolver):
    r"""The Tikhonov method for linear inverse problems. Minimizes
        \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2
    using a conjugate gradient method. 
    To determine a stopping index yielding guaranteed error bounds, a partial embedded minimal residual method (MR) is 
    used, which can be implemented by updating a scalar parameter in each iteration. 
    For details on the use of the embedded MR method, as proposed by H. Egger in 
    "Numerical realization of Tikhonov regularization: appropriate norms, implementable stopping criteria, and optimal algorithms" 
    in Oberwolfach Reports 9/4, page 3009-3010, 2013;
    see also the Master thesis by Andrea Dietrich 
    "Analytische und numerische Untersuchung eines Abbruchkriteriums für das CG-Verfahren zur Minimierung 
    von Tikhonov Funktionalen", Univ. Göttingen, 2017 

    setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem.
    data : setting.op.codomain [default: None]
        The measured data. 
        If None, then setting must have SquaredNorm as data fidelity and penalty term. In this case xref is ignored, 
        and if setting is a TikhonovRegularizationSetting, then also regpar is ignored.
        If not None, then setting.penalty and setting.data_fid are ignored except for their Hilbert space structures. 
    regpar : float [default:None]
        The regularization parameter. Must be positive. If None, then setting must be a TikhonovRegularizatioSetting. 
    xref: setting.op.domain [default: None]
        Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros().
    x0: setting.op.domain  [default: None]
        Starting value of the CG iteration. If None, setting.op.domain.zeros() is used as starting value. 
    tol : float, default: None
        The absoluted tolerance - it guarantees that difference of the final CG iterate to the exact minimizer of the Tikhonov functional  
        in setting.h_domain.norm is smaller than tol. If None, this criterion is not active (analogously for reltolx and reltoly).   
        If the noise level is given, it is reasonable value to choose tol in the order of the propagated data noise level, 
        which is noiselevel/2*sqrt(regpar)
    reltolx: float, default: 10/sqrt(regpar)
        Relative tolerance in domain. Guarantees that the relative error w.r.t. setting.h_domain.norm is smaller than reltolx.
        The motivation for the default value is similar to that given for tol, assuming a resonable 
        signal-to-noise ratio for the Tikhonov minimizer. 
    reltoly: float, default: None
        Relative tolerance in codomain.
    all_tol_criteria: bool (default: True)
        If True, the iteration is stopped if all specified tolerance criteria are satisfied. 
        If False, the iteration is stopped if one criterion is satisfied.
    krylov_basis : Compute orthonormal basis vectors of the Krylov subspaces while running CG solver
    def __init__(
        self, setting, data=None, regpar=None, xref=None, 
        x0 =None, 
        tol=None, reltolx=None, reltoly=None, 
        all_tol_criteria = True,
        krylov_basis=None, preconditioner=None,
        logging_level = logging.INFO
        assert isinstance(setting,RegularizationSetting)
        assert setting.op.linear

        if data is None:
            assert isinstance(self.data_fid,SquaredNorm)
            data = (-1./self.data_fid.a) * self.data_fid.b

            if xref is not None:
                self.log.warning('Ignoring given parameter xref')
            assert isinstance(self.penalty,SquaredNorm)                
            xref = (-1./self.penalty.a) * self.penalty.b

            if isinstance(setting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting):
                if regpar is not None:
                    self.log.warning('Ignoring given value of regularization parameter')
                regpar = (self.penalty.a/self.data_fid.a) * self.regpar
                assert regpar is not None
                regpar *= self.penalty.a/self.data_fid.a

        assert regpar is not None
        self.regpar = regpar
        """The regularization parameter."""
        #self.log.debug('rel. tolerances: {} in domain, {} in codomain, {} reduction residual'.format(reltolx,reltoly,tol))
        self.x0 = x0
        """The zero-th CG iterate. x0=Null corresponds to xref=zeros()"""

        self.tol = tol
        """The absolute tolerance in the domain."""
        self.reltolx = reltolx
        """The relative tolerance in the domain."""
        self.reltoly = reltoly
        """The relative tolerance in the codomain."""
        if tol is None  and reltolx is None and reltoly is None:
            self.reltolx = 10./np.sqrt(regpar)

        if x0 is not None:
            self.x = x0.copy()
            """The current iterate."""
            self.y = self.op(self.x)
            """The image of the current iterate under the operator."""
            self.x = self.op.domain.zeros()
            self.y = self.op.codomain.zeros()

        if self.reltolx is not None:
            self.sq_norm_x = 0
        if self.reltoly is not None:
            self.g_y = self.h_codomain.gram(self.y)
            self.norm_y = np.vdot(self.y,self.g_y)
            if self.x0 is not None:
                self.y0 = self.y
                self.g_y0 = self.g_y

        if preconditioner is None:
            self.preconditioner = Identity (self.h_domain.vecsp)
            self.penalty = Identity (self.h_domain.vecsp)
            self.preconditioner = preconditioner
            self.penalty = self.preconditioner * self.h_domain.gram * self.preconditioner * self.h_domain.gram_inv

        self.g_res = self.preconditioner( self.op.adjoint(self.h_codomain.gram(data-self.y)) )
        """The gram matrix applied to the residual of the normal equation. 
        g_res = T^* G_Y (data-T self.x) + regpar G_X(xref-self.x) in each iteration with operator T and Gram matrices G_x, G_Y.
        if xref is not None:
            self.g_res += self.regpar *self.preconditioner( self.h_domain.gram(xref-self.x) )
        elif x0 is not None:
            self.g_res -= self.regpar *self.preconditioner( self.h_domain.gram(self.x) )
        res = self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.g_res)
        """The residual of the normal equation."""
        self.sq_norm_res = np.real(np.vdot(self.g_res, res))
        """The squared norm of the residual."""
        self.dir = res
        """The direction of descent."""
        self.g_dir = np.copy(self.g_res)
        """The Gram matrix applied to the direction of descent."""
        self.kappa = 1
        """ratio of the squared norms of the residuals of the CG method and the MR-method.
        Used for error estimation."""
        self.all_tol_criteria = all_tol_criteria
        if self.all_tol_criteria:
            self.isconverged = {'tol': self.tol is None, 'reltolx': self.reltolx is None, 'reltoly': self.reltoly is None}
            self.isconverged = {'tol': self.tol is not None, 'reltolx': self.reltolx is not None, 'reltoly': self.reltoly is not None}

        if self.krylov_basis is not None: 
            self.krylov_basis[self.iteration_number, :] = res / np.linalg.norm(res)
        """In every iteration step of the Tikhonov solver a new orthonormal vector is computed"""

    def _next(self):
        Tdir = self.op( self.preconditioner(self.dir) )
        g_Tdir = self.h_codomain.gram(Tdir)
        stepsize = self.sq_norm_res / np.real(
            np.vdot(g_Tdir, Tdir) + self.regpar * np.vdot(self.penalty (self.g_dir), self.dir)
        ) # This parameter is often called alpha. We do not use this name to avoid confusion with the regularization parameter.

        self.x += stepsize * self.dir
        if self.reltolx is not None:
            if self.x0 is None:
                self.sq_norm_x = np.real(np.vdot(self.x, self.h_domain.gram(self.x)))
                self.sq_norm_x = np.real(np.vdot(self.x-self.x0, self.h_domain.gram(self.x-self.x0)))

        self.y += stepsize * Tdir
        if self.reltoly is not None:
            self.g_y += stepsize * g_Tdir
            if self.x0 is None:
                self.norm_y = np.real(np.vdot(self.g_y, self.y))
                self.norm_y = np.real(np.vdot(self.g_y-self.g_y0, self.y-self.y0))

        self.g_res -= stepsize * (self.preconditioner( self.op.adjoint(g_Tdir) )+ self.regpar * self.penalty (self.g_dir) )
        res = self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.g_res)

        sq_norm_res_old = self.sq_norm_res
        self.sq_norm_res = np.real(np.vdot(self.g_res, res))
        beta = self.sq_norm_res / sq_norm_res_old

        if self.krylov_basis is not None:
            if self.iteration_number < self.krylov_basis.shape[0]:
                self.krylov_basis[self.iteration_number, :] = res / np.linalg.norm(res)

        self.kappa = 1 + beta * self.kappa

        if self.krylov_basis is None or self.iteration_number > self.krylov_basis.shape[0]:
            """If Krylov subspace basis is computed, then stop the iteration only if the number of iterations exceeds the order of the Krylov space"""
            tol_report = 'it.{} kappa={} err/Tol '.format(self.iteration_step_nr,self.kappa)
            if self.reltolx is not None:
                valx = np.sqrt(self.sq_norm_res / self.sq_norm_x / self.kappa) / self.regpar
                tol_report = tol_report+'rel X:{:1.1e}/{:1.1e} '.format(valx,self.reltolx / (1 + self.reltolx))
                if valx < self.reltolx / (1 + self.reltolx):
                    self.isconverged['reltolx'] = True
                    self.isconverged['reltolx'] = False

            if self.reltoly is not None:
                valy = np.sqrt(self.sq_norm_res / self.norm_y / self.kappa / self.regpar)
                tol_report = tol_report+"rel Y:{:1.1e}/{:1.1e} ".format(valy,self.reltoly / (1 + self.reltoly))
                if valy < self.reltoly / (1 + self.reltoly):
                    self.isconverged['reltoly'] = True
                    self.isconverged['reltoly'] = False    

            if self.tol is not None:
                val = np.sqrt(self.sq_norm_res / self.kappa)/ self.regpar  
                tol_report = tol_report+"abs X: {:1.1e}/{:1.1e}".format(val,self.tol)
                if val < self.tol:
                   self.isconverged['tol'] = True
                    self.isconverged['tol'] = False

            if self.all_tol_criteria:
                converged = self.isconverged['tol'] and self.isconverged['reltolx'] and self.isconverged['reltoly']
                converged = self.isconverged['tol'] or self.isconverged['reltolx'] or self.isconverged['reltoly']
            if converged:
                return self.converge()

        self.dir *= beta
        self.dir += res
        self.g_dir *= beta
        self.g_dir += self.g_res


Instance variables

var regpar

The regularization parameter.

var x0

The zero-th CG iterate. x0=Null corresponds to xref=zeros()

var tol

The absolute tolerance in the domain.

var reltolx

The relative tolerance in the domain.

var reltoly

The relative tolerance in the codomain.

var g_res

The gram matrix applied to the residual of the normal equation. g_res = T^* G_Y (data-T self.x) + regpar G_X(xref-self.x) in each iteration with operator T and Gram matrices G_x, G_Y.

var sq_norm_res

The squared norm of the residual.

var dir

The direction of descent.

var g_dir

The Gram matrix applied to the direction of descent.

var kappa

ratio of the squared norms of the residuals of the CG method and the MR-method. Used for error estimation.

Inherited members

class GeometricSequence (alpha0, q)

Iterator generating a geometric sequence Parameters: alpha0, q Yields: Sequence defined recursively by alpha_0 = alpha0 alpha_{n+1} = q*alpha_n

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class GeometricSequence:
    r"""Iterator generating a geometric sequence
    Parameters: alpha0, q
    Yields: Sequence defined recursively by 
        alpha_0 = alpha0
        alpha_{n+1} = q*alpha_n
    def __init__(self, alpha0,q):
        self.alpha = alpha0
        self.alpha0 = alpha0
        self.q = q

    def __iter__(self):
        self.alpha = self.alpha0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        result = self.alpha
        self.alpha = self.alpha*self.q
        return result
class TikhonovAlphaGrid (setting, data, alphas, xref=None, max_CG_iter=1000, delta=None, tol_fac=0.5, logging_level=20)

Class runnning Tikhonov regularization on a grid of different regularization parameters. This allows to choose the regularization parameter by some stopping rule. Tikhonov functionals are minimized by an inner CG iteration.

Parameters: setting: regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data: array-like The right hand side. alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q) In the latter case the seuqence (alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...} is generated. max_CG_iter: integer, default 1000. maximum number of CG iterations. xref: array-like, default None initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros() delta = float, default None data noise level tol_fac: float, default 0.5 absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha)

Further keyword arguments for TikhonovCG can be given.

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class TikhonovAlphaGrid(RegSolver):
    r"""Class runnning Tikhonov regularization on a grid of different regularization parameters.
    This allows to choose the regularization parameter by some stopping rule. 
    Tikhonov functionals are minimized by an inner CG iteration.

    setting:  regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem.
    data: array-like
        The right hand side.
    alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q)
        In the latter case the seuqence \((alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...}\) is generated.
    max_CG_iter: integer, default 1000.
        maximum number of CG iterations. 
    xref: array-like, default None
        initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros()
    delta = float, default None
        data noise level
    tol_fac: float, default 0.5
        absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha)

    Further keyword arguments for TikhonovCG can be given. 
    def __init__(self,setting, data, alphas, xref=None,max_CG_iter=1000,
                 delta=None,tol_fac=0.5, logging_level= logging.INFO):
        self.setting = setting
        if isinstance(alphas,tuple) and len(alphas)==2:
            self._alphas = GeometricSequence(alphas[0],alphas[1])
            self._alphas = alphas = data
        """Right hand side of the operator equation."""
        self.xref = xref
        """initial guess in Tikhonov functional."""
        if self.xref is not None:
            self.x = self.xref
            self.y = self.op(self.xref)
            self.x = self.op.domain.zeros()
            self.y = self.op.codomain.zeros()
        self.max_CG_iter = max_CG_iter
        """maximum number of CG iterations."""    = delta
        """data noise level."""
        self.tol_fac = tol_fac
        """ absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha) if delta is specfied, 
        otherwise relative tolerance in domain is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha)"""
        self.logging_level = logging_level
        """logging level for CG iteration."""

    def _next(self):
            alpha = next(self._alphas)
        except StopIteration:
            return self.converge()
        inner_stoprule = CountIterations(max_iterations=self.max_CG_iter)
        inner_stoprule.log = self.log.getChild('CountIterations')
        if is None:
            tikhcg =TikhonovCG(self.setting,,regpar=alpha,xref=self.xref,x0=self.xref,
                               reltolx = self.tol_fac / np.sqrt(alpha),
            tikhcg =TikhonovCG(self.setting,data =,regpar = alpha,xref=self.xref,x0=self.xref,
                               tol= self.tol_fac * / np.sqrt(alpha),
        self.x, self.y ='alpha = {}, inner CG its = {}'.format(alpha,inner_stoprule.iteration))


Instance variables

var data

Right hand side of the operator equation.

var xref

initial guess in Tikhonov functional.

var max_CG_iter

maximum number of CG iterations.

var delta

data noise level.

var tol_fac

absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha) if delta is specfied, otherwise relative tolerance in domain is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha)

var logging_level

logging level for CG iteration.

Inherited members

class NonstationaryIteratedTikhonov (setting, data, alphas, xref=None, max_CG_iter=1000, delta=None, tol_fac=0.5, logging_level=20)

Iterated Tikhonov regularization with a given (fixed) sequence of regularization parameters. Tikhonov functionals are minimized by an inner CG iteration.

Parameters: setting: regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data: array-like The right hand side. alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q) In the latter case the seuqence (alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...} is generated. xref: array-like, default None initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros() delta = float, default None data noise level tol_fac: float, default 0.5 absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha)

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class NonstationaryIteratedTikhonov(RegSolver):
    r"""Iterated Tikhonov regularization with a given (fixed) sequence of regularization parameters.
       Tikhonov functionals are minimized by an inner CG iteration.

    setting:  regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem.
    data: array-like
        The right hand side.
    alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q)
        In the latter case the seuqence \((alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...}\) is generated.
    xref: array-like, default None
        initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros()
    delta = float, default None
        data noise level
    tol_fac: float, default 0.5
        absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha)
    def __init__(self,setting, data, alphas, xref=None, max_CG_iter=1000,
                 delta=None,tol_fac=0.5, logging_level= logging.INFO):
        self.setting = setting
        if isinstance(alphas,tuple) and len(alphas)==2:
            self._alphas = GeometricSequence(alphas[0],alphas[1])
            self._alphas = alphas = data
        """Right hand side of the operator equation."""
        self.xref = xref
        """initial guess in Tikhonov functional."""
        if self.xref is not None:
            self.x = self.xref
            self.y = self.op(self.xref)
            self.x = self.op.domain.zeros()
            self.y = self.op.codomain.zeros()
        self.max_CG_iter = max_CG_iter
        """maximum number of CG iterations."""    = delta
        """data noise level."""
        self.tol_fac = tol_fac
        """ absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha) if delta is specfied, 
        otherwise relative tolerance in domain is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha)"""
        self.logging_level = logging_level
        """logging level for CG iteration."""
        self.alpha_eff = np.inf
        """effective regularization parameter. 1/alpha_eff is the sum of the reciprocals of the previous alpha's"""

    def _next(self):
            alpha = next(self._alphas)
        except StopIteration:
            return self.converge()
        self.alpha_eff = 1./(1./alpha + 1./self.alpha_eff)
        inner_stoprule = CountIterations(max_iterations=self.max_CG_iter)
        inner_stoprule.log = self.log.getChild('CountIterations')
        if is None:
            tikhcg =TikhonovCG(self.setting,data =,regpar=alpha,xref=self.x,x0=self.x,
                               reltolx = self.tol_fac / np.sqrt(self.alpha_eff),
            tikhcg =TikhonovCG(self.setting,data =,regpar=alpha,xref=self.x,x0=self.x,
                               tol= self.tol_fac * / np.sqrt(self.alpha_eff),
        self.x, self.y ='alpha_eff = {}, inner CG its = {}'.format(self.alpha_eff,inner_stoprule.iteration))


Instance variables

var data

Right hand side of the operator equation.

var xref

initial guess in Tikhonov functional.

var max_CG_iter

maximum number of CG iterations.

var delta

data noise level.

var tol_fac

absolute tolerance for CG iterations is tol_fac*delta/sqrt(alpha) if delta is specfied, otherwise relative tolerance in domain is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha)

var logging_level

logging level for CG iteration.

var alpha_eff

effective regularization parameter. 1/alpha_eff is the sum of the reciprocals of the previous alpha's

Inherited members