Module regpy.solvers.nonlinear.fista


class FISTA (setting, init=None, tau=10000000000000000, eta=0.8, op_lower_bound=0, proximal_pars=None, logging_level=20)

The generalized FISTA algorithm for minimization of Tikhonov functionals \mathcal{S}_{g^{\delta}}(F(f)) + \alpha \mathcal{R}(f). Gradient steps are performed on the first term, and proximal steps on the second term. The step sizes for the gradient steps are determined using a backtracking method introduced in A. Beck and M. Teboulle. A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems. SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2(1):183–202, 2009.


setting : regpy.solvers.TikhonovRegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals. init : setting.op.domain [defaul: setting.op.domain.zeros()] The initial guess tau : float [default: 10**16] Initial step size of minimization procedure. Has to be suffidiently large. eta : float [defualt 0.8] Step size reduction constant. op_lower_bound : float [default: 0] lower bound of the operator: \|op(f)\|\geq op_lower_bound * \|f\| . Used to define convexity parameter of data functional.
proximal_pars : dict [default: {}] Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the penalty term. logging_level: [default: logging.INFO] logging level

Expand source code
class FISTA(RegSolver):
    The generalized FISTA algorithm for minimization of Tikhonov functionals
    \[ \mathcal{S}_{g^{\delta}}(F(f)) + \alpha \mathcal{R}(f).
    Gradient steps are performed on the first term, and proximal steps on the second term. 
    The step sizes for the gradient steps are determined using a backtracking method introduced in
    A. Beck and M. Teboulle. A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for
    linear inverse problems. SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2(1):183–202, 2009.
    setting : regpy.solvers.TikhonovRegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals. 
    init : setting.op.domain [defaul: setting.op.domain.zeros()]
        The initial guess
    tau : float [default: 10**16]
        Initial step size of minimization procedure. Has to be suffidiently large.
    eta : float [defualt 0.8]
        Step size reduction constant.
    op_lower_bound : float [default: 0]
        lower bound of the operator: \(\|op(f)\|\geq op_lower_bound * \|f\| \).
        Used to define convexity parameter of data functional.     
    proximal_pars : dict [default: {}]
        Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the penalty term. 
    logging_level: [default: logging.INFO]
        logging level
    def __init__(self, setting, init= None, tau = 10**16, eta = 0.8, op_lower_bound = 0, proximal_pars=None,logging_level= logging.INFO):
        assert isinstance(setting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting)
        self.x = self.op.domain.zeros() if init is None else init
        assert init is None or init in self.op.domain

        self.mu_penalty  = self.regpar * self.penalty.convexity_param
        self.mu_data_fidelity = self.data_fid.convexity_param * op_lower_bound**2
        self.proximal_pars = proximal_pars
        """Proximal parameters that are passed to prox-operator of penalty term. """

        self.eta = eta
        assert 0<self.eta<1

        if self.data_fid.Lipschitz != np.inf:
            self.y, deriv = self.op.linearize(self.x)
            self.tau = 1./(setting.op_norm(op=deriv)**2 * self.data_fid.Lipschitz)
            """The step size parameter"""
            self.backtracking = False
            self.y = self.op(self.x)
            self.tau = tau
            self.backtracking = True
        assert self.tau>0 

        self.t = 0
        self.t_old = 0 = self.mu_data_fidelity+self.mu_penalty

        self.x_old = self.x
        self.q = (self.tau * / (1+self.tau*self.mu_penalty)
  'Setting up FISTA with convexity parameters mu_R={:.3e}, mu_S={:.3e}'.format(

    def _next(self):
        if == 0:
            self.t = (1 + np.sqrt(1+4*self.t_old**2))/2
            beta = (self.t_old-1) / self.t
            self.q = (self.tau * / (1+self.tau*self.mu_penalty)
            self.t = (1-self.q*self.t_old**2+np.sqrt((1-self.q*self.t_old**2)**2+4*self.t_old**2))/2
            beta = (self.t_old-1)/self.t * (1+self.tau*self.mu_penalty-self.t*self.tau**self.mu_data_fidelity)

        h = self.x+beta*(self.x-self.x_old)
        image_of_h, deriv = self.op.linearize(h)

        self.x_old = self.x
        self.t_old = self.t

        data_fid_of_h = self.data_fid(image_of_h)
        grad = self.h_domain.gram_inv(deriv.adjoint(self.data_fid.subgradient(image_of_h)))

        self.x = self.penalty.proximal(h-self.tau*grad, self.tau * self.regpar, self.proximal_pars)
        while self.backtracking:
            if self.data_fid(self.op(self.x)) <= data_fid_of_h + self.setting.h_domain.inner(self.x - h, grad) + (1/(2*self.tau))*self.setting.h_domain.inner(self.x - h, self.x - h):
            self.tau *= self.eta
            self.x = self.penalty.proximal(h-self.tau*grad, self.tau * self.regpar, self.proximal_pars)

        self.y = self.op(self.x)


Instance variables

var proximal_pars

Proximal parameters that are passed to prox-operator of penalty term.

Inherited members