Module regpy.solvers.nonlinear.forward_backward_splitting


class ForwardBackwardSplitting (setting, init=None, tau=None, proximal_pars={}, logging_level=20)
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class ForwardBackwardSplitting(RegSolver):
    Minimizes \(\mathcal{S}(Tf)+\alpha*\mathcal{R}(f)\) with forward backward splitting. 

    setting : regpy.solvers.TikhonovRegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem. Includes both penalty \(\mathcal{R}\) and data fidelity \(\mathcal{S}\) functional. 
    init : setting.domain [default: domain.zeros()]
        The initial guess. 
    tau : float , optional
        The step size parameter. Must be positive. 
        Default is the reciprocal of the operator norm of \(T^*T\) 
    regpar : float, optional
        The regularization parameter \(\alpha\). Must be positive.
    proximal_pars: dict, optional
        Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator.
    logging_level: int [default: logging.INFO]
        logging level
    def __init__(self, setting, init=None, tau = None, proximal_pars = {}, logging_level = logging.INFO):
        assert isinstance(setting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting), "Setting is not a TikhonovRegularizationSetting instance."

        self.x = self.op.domain.zeros() if init is None else init
        assert self.x in self.op.domain
        self.y, self.deriv = self.op.linearize(self.x)
        self.tau = 1/self.deriv.norm(setting.h_domain,setting.h_codomain)**2 if tau is None else tau
        """The step size parameter"""
        assert self.tau>0
        self.proximal_pars = proximal_pars
    def _next(self):
        self.x = self.penalty.proximal(self.x, self.regpar*self.tau, **self.proximal_pars)
        """Note: If F = alpha G, then prox_{tau, F} = prox_{alpha * tau, G}"""
        self.y,self.deriv = self.op.linearize(self.x)

Minimizes \mathcal{S}(Tf)+\alpha*\mathcal{R}(f) with forward backward splitting.


setting : TikhonovRegularizationSetting
The setting of the forward problem. Includes both penalty \mathcal{R} and data fidelity \mathcal{S} functional.
init : setting.domain [default: domain.zeros()]
The initial guess.
tau : float , optional
The step size parameter. Must be positive. Default is the reciprocal of the operator norm of T^*T
regpar : float, optional
The regularization parameter \alpha. Must be positive.
proximal_pars : dict, optional
Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator.
logging_level : int [default: logging.INFO]
logging level


Instance variables

var tau

The step size parameter

Inherited members