Module regpy.solvers.nonlinear.irgnm_l1_fid

IrgnmL1Fid solver


class IrgnmL1Fid (op, data, init, alpha0=1, alpha_step=0.9, alpha_l1=0.0001)
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class IrgnmL1Fid(Solver):
    """The IrgnmL1Fid method.

    Solves the potentially non-linear, ill-posed equation:

      .. math::  T(x) = y,

    where :math:`T` is a Frechet-differentiable operator. The number of
    iterations is effectively the regularization parameter and needs to be
    picked carefully.

    IRGNM stands for Iteratively Regularized Gauss Newton Method. The L1 means
    that this algorithm includes some kind of :math:`L^1` regularization term.
    The fid stands for fidelity, as we include some kind of fidelity term.

    In this algorithm the function ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` is used to solve
    a nonlinear functional. In our case this is ``self._func``. For more
    information about this method, see the scipy documentation for
    scipy.optimize.minimize .

    op : :class:`Operator <regpy.operators.Operator>`
        The forward operator.
    data : array
        The right hand side.
    init : array
        The initial guess.
    alpha0 : float, optional
    alpha_step : float, optional
        With these (alpha0, alpha_step) we compute the regulization parameter
        for the k-th Newton step by alpha0*alpha_step^k.
    alpha_l1 : float, optional
        Parameter for the boundaries for the solution of

    op : :class:`Operator <regpy.operators.Operator>`
        The forward operator.
    data : array
        The right hand side.
    init : array
        The initial guess.
    k : int
        The k-th iteration.
    x : array
        The current point.
    y : array
        The value at the current point.
    alpha0 : float
    alpha_step : float
        Needed for the computation of the regulization parameter for the k-th
    alpha_l1 : float
        Parameter for the boundaries for the solution of

    def __init__(self, op, data, init,
                 alpha0=1, alpha_step=0.9, alpha_l1=1e-4):
        """Initialize parameters."""

        self.op = op = data
        self.init = init
        self.x = self.init
        self.y = self.op(self.x)

        # Initialization of some parameters for the iteration
        self.k = 0
        self.alpha0 = alpha0
        self.alpha_step = alpha_step
        self.alpha_l1 = alpha_l1

        # Computation of some parameters for the iteration
        self._gram_x = self.op.domain.gram(np.eye(len(self.x)))
        self._gram_x = 0.5 * (self._gram_x+self._gram_x.T)
        self._gram_y = self.op.codomain.gram(np.eye(len(self.y)))
        self._gram_y = 0.5 * (self._gram_y+self._gram_y.T)
        self._maxiter = 10000

    def update(self):
        """Compute and update variables for each iteration.

        Uses the scipy function ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` to minimize the
        functional ``self._func`` with ``self._iter`` number of iterations. If
        successfull, ``self._iter`` is doubled and the procedure is repeated
        until it is not successful. Then the while loop will be exited.
        self.k += 1

        # Preparations for the minimization procedure
        self._regpar = self.alpha0 * self.alpha_step**self.k
        self._DF = np.eye(len(self.y), len(self.x))
        _, deriv=self.op.linearize(self.x)
        for i in range(len(self.x)):
            self._DF[:,i] = deriv(self._DF[:,i])
        self._hess = (,np.linalg.solve(self._gram_x, self._DF.T))
                      + self._regpar*np.linalg.inv(self._gram_y))
        self._hess = 0.5 * (self._hess+self._hess.T)
        self._rhs = - self.y -, self.init - self.x)
#        self.alpha_l1 = np.max(self._regpar, self.alpha_l1)
        self.alpha_l1=np.asarray([self._regpar, self.alpha_l1]).max()

        # Parameters for the minimization procedure
        self._iter = 100
        self._exitflag = True

        # Minimization procedure
        while self._iter < self._maxiter and self._exitflag:
            self._bounds = (-(1/self.alpha_l1) * np.ones(len(self.y)),
                            (1/self.alpha_l1) * np.ones(len(self.y)))
            self._options = {'maxiter':self._iter, 'disp':False}
            self._quadprogsol = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                                bounds = np.transpose(self._bounds).tolist(),
                                x0 = np.zeros(len(self.x))
            self._updateY = self._quadprogsol.x
            self._exitflag = self._quadprogsol.success
            self._iter *= 2

    def _func(self, x):
        """Define the functional for ``scipy.optimize.minimize``."""

        return 0.5*,,x)) -,x)

    def next(self):
        """Run a single IrgnmL1Fid iteration.

        The actual computation happens in ``self.update``. In the end,
        ``self.x`` is updated as well as ``self.y``.

            Always True, as the IrgnmL1Fid method never stops on its own.

        self.x = (self.init
                  + self.op.domain.gram_inv(,self._updateY)))
        self.y = self.op(self.x)
        return True

The IrgnmL1Fid method.

Solves the potentially non-linear, ill-posed equation:

where :math:T is a Frechet-differentiable operator. The number of iterations is effectively the regularization parameter and needs to be picked carefully.

IRGNM stands for Iteratively Regularized Gauss Newton Method. The L1 means that this algorithm includes some kind of :math:L^1 regularization term. The fid stands for fidelity, as we include some kind of fidelity term.

In this algorithm the function scipy.optimize.minimize is used to solve a nonlinear functional. In our case this is self._func. For more information about this method, see the scipy documentation for scipy.optimize.minimize .


op : :class:Operator ``
The forward operator.
data : array
The right hand side.
init : array
The initial guess.
alpha0 : float, optional
alpha_step : float, optional
With these (alpha0, alpha_step) we compute the regulization parameter for the k-th Newton step by alpha0*alpha_step^k.
alpha_l1 : float, optional
Parameter for the boundaries for the solution of scipy.optimize.minimize.


op : :class:Operator ``
The forward operator.
data : array
The right hand side.
init : array
The initial guess.
k : int
The k-th iteration.
x : array
The current point.
y : array
The value at the current point.
alpha0 : float
alpha_step : float
Needed for the computation of the regulization parameter for the k-th iteration.
alpha_l1 : float
Parameter for the boundaries for the solution of scipy.optimize.minimize.

Initialize parameters.



def update(self)
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    def update(self):
        """Compute and update variables for each iteration.

        Uses the scipy function ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` to minimize the
        functional ``self._func`` with ``self._iter`` number of iterations. If
        successfull, ``self._iter`` is doubled and the procedure is repeated
        until it is not successful. Then the while loop will be exited.
        self.k += 1

        # Preparations for the minimization procedure
        self._regpar = self.alpha0 * self.alpha_step**self.k
        self._DF = np.eye(len(self.y), len(self.x))
        _, deriv=self.op.linearize(self.x)
        for i in range(len(self.x)):
            self._DF[:,i] = deriv(self._DF[:,i])
        self._hess = (,np.linalg.solve(self._gram_x, self._DF.T))
                      + self._regpar*np.linalg.inv(self._gram_y))
        self._hess = 0.5 * (self._hess+self._hess.T)
        self._rhs = - self.y -, self.init - self.x)
#        self.alpha_l1 = np.max(self._regpar, self.alpha_l1)
        self.alpha_l1=np.asarray([self._regpar, self.alpha_l1]).max()

        # Parameters for the minimization procedure
        self._iter = 100
        self._exitflag = True

        # Minimization procedure
        while self._iter < self._maxiter and self._exitflag:
            self._bounds = (-(1/self.alpha_l1) * np.ones(len(self.y)),
                            (1/self.alpha_l1) * np.ones(len(self.y)))
            self._options = {'maxiter':self._iter, 'disp':False}
            self._quadprogsol = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                                bounds = np.transpose(self._bounds).tolist(),
                                x0 = np.zeros(len(self.x))
            self._updateY = self._quadprogsol.x
            self._exitflag = self._quadprogsol.success
            self._iter *= 2

Compute and update variables for each iteration.

Uses the scipy function scipy.optimize.minimize to minimize the functional self._func with self._iter number of iterations. If successfull, self._iter is doubled and the procedure is repeated until it is not successful. Then the while loop will be exited.

def next(self)
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def next(self):
    """Run a single IrgnmL1Fid iteration.

    The actual computation happens in ``self.update``. In the end,
    ``self.x`` is updated as well as ``self.y``.

        Always True, as the IrgnmL1Fid method never stops on its own.

    self.x = (self.init
              + self.op.domain.gram_inv(,self._updateY)))
    self.y = self.op(self.x)
    return True

Run a single IrgnmL1Fid iteration.

The actual computation happens in self.update. In the end, self.x is updated as well as self.y.


Always True, as the IrgnmL1Fid method never stops on its own.

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