Module regpy.solvers.nonlinear.landweber


class Landweber (setting,
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class Landweber(RegSolver):
    r"""The Landweber method. Solves the potentially non-linear, ill-posed equation
        F(x) = g^\delta,
    where \(T)\ is a Frechet-differentiable operator, by gradient descent for the residual
        \Vert F(x) - g^\delta\Vert^2,
    where \(\Vert\cdot\Vert)\ is the Hilbert space norm in the codomain, and gradients are computed with
    respect to the Hilbert space structure on the domain.

    The number of iterations is effectively the regularization parameter and needs to be picked

    setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting
        The setting of the forward problem.
    data : array-like
        The measured data/right hand side.
    init : array-like
        The initial guess.
    stepsize : float, optional
        The step length; must be chosen not too large. If omitted, it is guessed from the norm of
        the derivative at the initial guess. Alternatively, if backtracking is used, stepsize defines an
        initial guess for the step length which has to be sufficently large. If omitted the initial step
        length will be 10**16.
    backtracking : boolean, optional
        Wether or not to use backtracking for finding a sufficient step length. Default: True.

    def __init__(self, setting, data, init, stepsize=None, backtracking=True, eta = 0.5, op_norm_method = "lanczos"):
        self.rhs = data
        """The right hand side gets initialized with the measured data."""
        self.x = init
        self.y, deriv = self.op.linearize(self.x)
        self.deriv = deriv
        """The derivative at the current iterate."""

        if backtracking:
            self.backtracking = True
            self.stepsize = stepsize or 10**16
            """The stepsize."""
            self.backtracking = False
            self.stepsize = stepsize or 0.9 / self.deriv.norm(setting.h_domain,setting.h_codomain, method = op_norm_method)**2
        self.eta = eta
        """Factor for decreasing the stepsize."""
        assert 0 < eta < 1

        if self.backtracking:
            self._residual = self.y - self.rhs
            self._gy_residual = self.h_codomain.gram(self._residual)
            self._old_err = np.vdot(self._residual, self._gy_residual).real

    def _next(self):
        if not self.backtracking:
            self._residual = self.y - self.rhs
            self._gy_residual = self.h_codomain.gram(self._residual)
        self._update = self.deriv.adjoint(self._gy_residual)
        while self.backtracking:
            new_x = self.x - self.stepsize * self.h_domain.gram_inv(self._update)
            self._residual = self.op(new_x) - self.rhs
            self._gy_residual = self.h_codomain.gram(self._residual)
            new_err = np.vdot(self._residual, self._gy_residual).real
            if new_err < self._old_err:
                self._old_err = new_err
                self.stepsize *= self.eta
        if self.backtracking:
            self.x = new_x
            self.x -= self.stepsize * self.h_domain.gram_inv(self._update)
        self.y, self.deriv = self.op.linearize(self.x)

        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
            if self.backtracking:
                norm_residual = np.sqrt(self._old_err)
                norm_residual = np.sqrt(np.real(np.vdot(self._residual, self._gy_residual)))
  '|residual| = {}'.format(norm_residual))

The Landweber method. Solves the potentially non-linear, ill-posed equation F(x) = g^\delta, where (T)\ is a Frechet-differentiable operator, by gradient descent for the residual \Vert F(x) - g^\delta\Vert^2, where (\Vert\cdot\Vert)\ is the Hilbert space norm in the codomain, and gradients are computed with respect to the Hilbert space structure on the domain.

The number of iterations is effectively the regularization parameter and needs to be picked carefully.


setting : RegularizationSetting
The setting of the forward problem.
data : array-like
The measured data/right hand side.
init : array-like
The initial guess.
stepsize : float, optional
The step length; must be chosen not too large. If omitted, it is guessed from the norm of the derivative at the initial guess. Alternatively, if backtracking is used, stepsize defines an initial guess for the step length which has to be sufficently large. If omitted the initial step length will be 10**16.
backtracking : boolean, optional
Wether or not to use backtracking for finding a sufficient step length. Default: True.


Instance variables

var rhs

The right hand side gets initialized with the measured data.

var deriv

The derivative at the current iterate.

var eta

Factor for decreasing the stepsize.

Inherited members