Module regpy.vecsps.curve


def trig_interpolate(val, n)

Computes n Fourier coeffients to the point values given by val such that ifft(fftshift(coeffs)) is an interpolation of val.

def adjoint_rfft(y, size, n=None)
def adjoint_irfft(y, size=None)

Compute the adjoint of numpy.fft.irfft. More concretely, the adjoint of

x |-> irfft(x, n)


y |-> adjoint_irfft(y, x.size)

Since the size of x can not be determined from y, it needs to be given explicitly. The parameter n, however, is determined as the output size of irfft, so it does not not need to be specified for the adjoint.


y : array-like
The input array.
size : int, optional
The size of the output, i.e. the size of the original input to irfft. If omitted, x.size // 2 + 1 will be used, i.e. we assume the irfft is inverse to a plain rfft(x), without additional padding or truncation.


array of shape (size,)


class GenCurve (name, n, der=0)

Base class for Parameterized smooth closed curve in R^2 … without self-crossing parametrization by function z(t), 0<=t<=2*pi (counter-clockwise). Note z(t) must return two values [x(t),y(t)].

Subclasses should implement _call with the optional argument der to determine which derivative to compute.

After initializing the curve additional derivatives can be computed by resetting the der property. The number of evaluation points can also be reset by setting the 'n` property with some new number resulting in a recompute of all the evaluations.


name : str
name of the curves
n : int
number of discretization point
der : int, optional
number of derivatives to initially compute.
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class GenCurve:
    r"""Base class for Parameterized smooth closed curve in R^2 
    ... without self-crossing parametrization by function z(t), 
    0<=t<=2*pi (counter-clockwise). Note \(z(t)\) must return two 
    values [x(t),y(t)].

    Subclasses should implement `_call` with the optional argument `der` 
    to determine which derivative to compute.

    After initializing the curve additional derivatives can be computed by 
    resetting the `der` property. The number of evaluation points can also be 
    reset by setting the 'n` property with some new number resulting in a recompute
    of all the evaluations. 

    name : str 
        name of the curves
    n : int 
        number of discretization point
    der : int, optional
        number of derivatives to initially compute.
    def __init__(self, name, n, der = 0):
        "Name of the true curve function"
        self._z = []
        """List of all evaluations of z(t) and its derivatives. """
        self._der = -1

        self.n = n
        "number of evaluation points"
        self.der = der 
        "number of derivatives to compute"

    def __call__(self,der=0):
        res = self._call(der=der)
        assert res.ndim == 2 and res.shape[0] == 2
        return res
    def _call(self,der=0):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def der(self):
        return self._der

    def der(self,der_new):
        assert isinstance(der_new,int) and der_new <=3
        if self.der < der_new:
            for i in range(self.der+1,der_new+1):
                self._der += 1

    def n(self):
        return self._n
    def n(self,n_new):
        assert isinstance(n_new,int)
        self.t = 2*np.pi*np.linspace(0, n_new-1, n_new)/n_new
        self._n = n_new
        for i in range(0,self.der+1):
            self._z[i]= self(i)

    def z(self):
        """Values of z(t) at equidistant grid"""
        if self.der >= 0:
            return self._z[0]
            raise ValueError
    def zp(self):
        """Values of z(t) its first derivatives at equidistant grid"""
        if self.der >= 1:
            return self._z[1]
            raise ValueError
    def zpabs(self):
        if self.zp is not None:
            return np.sqrt(self.zp[0,:]**2 + self.zp[1,:]**2)
    def normal(self):
        if self.zp is not None:
            return np.append(self.zp[1,:], -self.zp[0,:]).reshape((2, self.n))
    def zpp(self):
        """Values of z(t) its second derivatives at equidistant grid"""
        if self.der >= 2:
            return self._z[2]
            raise ValueError

    def zppp(self):
        """Values of z(t) its third derivatives at equidistant grid"""
        if self.der >= 3:
            return self._z[3]
            raise ValueError


Instance variables

var der

number of derivatives to compute

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def der(self):
    return self._der
var n

number of evaluation points

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def n(self):
    return self._n
prop z

Values of z(t) at equidistant grid

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def z(self):
    """Values of z(t) at equidistant grid"""
    if self.der >= 0:
        return self._z[0]
        raise ValueError
prop zp

Values of z(t) its first derivatives at equidistant grid

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def zp(self):
    """Values of z(t) its first derivatives at equidistant grid"""
    if self.der >= 1:
        return self._z[1]
        raise ValueError
prop zpabs
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def zpabs(self):
    if self.zp is not None:
        return np.sqrt(self.zp[0,:]**2 + self.zp[1,:]**2)
prop normal
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def normal(self):
    if self.zp is not None:
        return np.append(self.zp[1,:], -self.zp[0,:]).reshape((2, self.n))
prop zpp

Values of z(t) its second derivatives at equidistant grid

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def zpp(self):
    """Values of z(t) its second derivatives at equidistant grid"""
    if self.der >= 2:
        return self._z[2]
        raise ValueError
prop zppp

Values of z(t) its third derivatives at equidistant grid

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def zppp(self):
    """Values of z(t) its third derivatives at equidistant grid"""
    if self.der >= 3:
        return self._z[3]
        raise ValueError
var name

Name of the true curve function

class kite (n, der=0)

Subclass of the GenCurve that gives a kite form.


n : int
number of evaluation points on the parameterized curve.
der : int, optional
Number of derivatives to initially compute. Default: 0
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class kite(GenCurve):
    """Subclass of the `GenCurve` that gives a kite form. 

    n : int
        number of evaluation points on the parameterized curve.
    der : int, optional
        Number of derivatives to initially compute. Default: 0
    def __init__(self, n, der = 0):

    def _call(self, der=0):
        if der==0:
            return np.append(np.cos(self.t)+0.65*np.cos(2*self.t)-0.65,   1.5*np.sin(self.t)).reshape(2, self.n)
        elif der==1:
            return np.append(-np.sin(self.t)-1.3*np.sin(2*self.t)    ,    1.5*np.cos(self.t)).reshape(2, self.n)
        elif der==2:
            return np.append(-np.cos(self.t)-2.6*np.cos(2*self.t)    ,   -1.5*np.sin(self.t)).reshape(2, self.n)
        elif der==3:
            return np.append(np.sin(self.t)+5.2*np.sin(2*self.t)     ,   -1.5*np.cos(self.t)).reshape(2, self.n)
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class StarCurve (name, n, der=0)

Base class for radial curve in R^2 … parameterized by z(t) = q(t)*[cos(t);sin(t)] 0<=t<=2pi with a positive, 2pi-periodic function q.

Subclasses should implement _call with the optional argument der to determine which derivative to compute.

After initializing the curve additional derivatives can be computed by resetting the der property. The number of evaluation points can also be reset by setting the 'n` property with some new number resulting in a recompute of all the evaluations.


name : str
name of the curves
n : int
number of discretization point
der : int, optional
number of derivatives to initially compute.
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class StarCurve(GenCurve):
    r"""Base class for radial curve in R^2 
    ... parameterized by 
      z(t) = q(t)*[cos(t);sin(t)] 0<=t<=2pi
     with a positive, 2pi-periodic function q. 

    Subclasses should implement `_call` with the optional argument `der` 
    to determine which derivative to compute.

    After initializing the curve additional derivatives can be computed by 
    resetting the `der` property. The number of evaluation points can also be 
    reset by setting the 'n` property with some new number resulting in a recompute
    of all the evaluations. 

    name : str 
        name of the curves
    n : int 
        number of discretization point
    der : int, optional
        number of derivatives to initially compute.
    def __init__(self, name, n, der = 0):

    def __call__(self,der=0):
        res = self._call(der=der)
        assert res.ndim == 1
        if der == 0:
            return np.array([res*np.cos(self.t),res*np.sin(self.t)])
        elif der == 1:
            cost = np.cos(self.t)
            sint = np.sin(self.t)
            return np.array([res*cost,res*sint]) + np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])@self.z
        elif der == 2:
            cost = np.cos(self.t)
            sint = np.sin(self.t)
            return np.array([res*cost, res*sint]) + 2*np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])@self.zp + self.z
        elif der == 3:
            cost = np.cos(self.t)
            sint = np.cos(self.t)
            return np.array([res*cost ,res*sint]) + 3*np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])@self.zpp + 3 * self.zp + np.array([[0,1],[-1,0]])@self.z
        return res
    def _call(self,der=0):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def zpabs(self):
        if self.zp is not None:
            return np.sqrt(self.zp[0,:]**2 + self.zp[1,:]**2)
    def normal(self):
        """Outer normal vector(not normalized)"""
        if self.zp is not None:
            return np.append(self.zp[1,:], -self.zp[0,:]).reshape((2, self.n))

    def radial(self, n):
        t=2*np.pi*np.linspace(0, n-1, n)/n
        rad = eval(, 0)
        return rad



Instance variables

prop zpabs


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def zpabs(self):
    if self.zp is not None:
        return np.sqrt(self.zp[0,:]**2 + self.zp[1,:]**2)
prop normal

Outer normal vector(not normalized)

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def normal(self):
    """Outer normal vector(not normalized)"""
    if self.zp is not None:
        return np.append(self.zp[1,:], -self.zp[0,:]).reshape((2, self.n))


def radial(self, n)

Inherited members

class peanut (n, der=0)
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class peanut(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        if der==0:
            return 1./2.*(3*cost**2+1)**(1./2)
        elif der==1:
            return -3./2./(4.*cost**2+sint**2)**(1./2)*cost*sint
        elif der==2:
            return  -3./2*(3.*cost**4+2.*cost**2-1)/(3*cost**2+1)**(3./2)
        elif der==3:
            return  3./2.*cost*sint*(9.*cost**4+6*cost**2+13)/(3*cost**2+1)**(5./2)
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')
        return res


Inherited members

class round_rect (n, der=0)
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class round_rect(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        co = 2/3
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        if der==0:
            return  (sint**10 + (co*cost)**10)**(-0.1)
        elif der==1:
            return  -1/10/(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(11/10)*(10*sint**9*cost-10*co**10*cost**9*sint)
        elif der==2:
            return  11/100/(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(21/10)*(10*sint**9*cost-10*co**10*cost**9*sint) \
                **2-1/10/(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(11/10)*(90*sint**8*cost**2-10*sint**10+90*co**10 \
        elif der==3:
            return  -231/1000/(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(31/10)**(10*sint**9*cost-10*co**10*cost**9*sint)**3+33 \
                /100/(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(21/10)*(10*sint**9*cost-10*co**10*cost**9*sint) \
                *(90*sint**8*cost**2-10*sint**10+90*co**10*cost**8*sint**2-10*co**10*cost**10)-1/10 \
                /(sint**10+co**10*cost**10)**(11/10)*(720*sint**7*cost**3-280*sint**9*cost-720*co**10 \
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class apple (n, der=0)
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class apple(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        cos2t = np.cos(2*self.t)
        sin2t = np.sin(2*self.t)
        if der==0:
            return  (0.5+0.4*cost+0.1*sin2t)/(1+0.7*cost)
        elif der==1:
            return  (-2/5*sint+1/5*cos2t)/(1+7/10*cost)+7/10*(1/2+2/5*cost+1/10*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**2*sint
        elif der==2:
            return  (-2/5*cost-2/5*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost)+7/5*(-2/5*sint+1/5*cos2t)/(1+7/10*cost) \
                **2*sint+49/50*(1/2+2/5*cost+1/10*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**3*sint**2+7/10*(1/2+2/5  \
        elif der==3:
            return  (2/5*sint-4/5*cos2t)/(1+7/10*cost)+21/10*(-2/5*cost-2/5*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**2 \
                *sint+147/50*(-2/5*sint+1/5*cos2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**3*sint**2+21/10*(-2/5*sint+1/5 \
                *cos2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**2*cost+1029/500*(1/2+2/5*cost+1/10*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost) \
                **4*sint**3+147/50*(1/2+2/5*cost+1/10*sin2t)/(1+7/10*cost)**3*sint*cost-7/10 \
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class three_lobes (n, der=0)
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class three_lobes(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        cos3t = np.cos(3*self.t)
        sin3t = np.sin(3*self.t)
        if der==0:
            return  0.5 + 0.25*np.exp(-sin3t) - 0.1*sint
        elif der==1:
            return  -3/4*cos3t*np.exp(-sin3t)-1/10*cost
        elif der==2:
            return  9/4*sin3t*np.exp(-sin3t)+9/4*cos3t**2*np.exp(-sin3t)+1/10*sint
        elif der==3:
            return  27/4*cos3t*np.exp(-sin3t)-81/4*sin3t*cos3t*np.exp(-sin3t)-27/4*cos3t**3*np.exp(-sin3t)+1/10*cost
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class pinched_ellipse (n, der=0)
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class pinched_ellipse(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        if der==0:
            return  3/2*np.sqrt(1/4*cost**2 + sint**2)
        elif der==1:
            return  9/4/(-3*cost**2+4)**(1/2)*cost*sint
        elif der==2:
            return  9/4*(3*cost**4-8*cost**2+4)/(3*cost**2-4)/(-3*cost**2+4)**(1/2)
        elif der==3:
            return  -9/4*cost*sint*(9*cost**4-24*cost**2+28)/(3*cost**2-4)**2/(-3*cost**2+4)**(1/2)
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class smoothed_rectangle (n, der=0)
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class smoothed_rectangle(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        if der==0:
            return  (cost**10 +2/3*sint**10)**(-1/10)
        elif der==1:
            return  -1/10/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(11/10)*(-10*cost**9*sint+20/3*sint**9*cost)
        elif der==2:
            return  11/100/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(21/10)*(-10*cost**9*sint+20/3*sint**9*cost)**2 \
                -1/10/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(11/10)*(90*cost**8*sint**2-10*cost**10 \
        elif der==3:
            return  -231/1000/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(31/10)*(-10*cost**9*sint+20/3*sint**9*cost)**3 \
                +33/100/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(21/10)*(-10*cost**9*sint+20/3*sint**9*cost)* \
                (90*cost**8*sint**2-10*cost**10+60*sint**8*cost**2-20/3*sint**10) \
                -1/10/(cost**10+2/3*sint**10)**(11/10)*(-720*cost**7*sint**3+280*cost**9*sint \
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class nonsym_shape (n, der=0)
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class nonsym_shape(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        cost = np.cos(self.t)
        sint = np.sin(self.t)
        if der==0:
            return (1 + 0.9*cost + 0.1*np.sin(2*self.t))/(1 + 0.75*cost)
        elif der==1:
            return  4/5*(-3*sint+8*cost**2-4+3*cost**3)/(16+24*cost+9*cost**2)
        elif der==2:
            return  -4/5*(12*cost-9*cost**2+64*sint*cost+36*sint*cost**2+9*sint*cost**3+24*sint+18) \
        elif der==3:
            return  -4/5*(144*sint*cost+114*sint-40+240*cost**3+192*cost-27*sint*cost**2+368*cost**2 \
            raise ValueError('derivative not implemented')


Inherited members

class circle (n, der=0)
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class circle(StarCurve):
    def __init__(self,n,der=0):

    def _call(self,der):
        if der==0:
            return np.ones_like(self.t)
            return np.zeros_like(self.t)


Inherited members

class GenTrigDiscr (n)

Class for the VectorSpace instance of GenTrig instances. It provides method bd_eval which gives evaluates a curve GenTrig by name.


n : int
Number of discretization points.
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class GenTrigDiscr(UniformGridFcts):
    """Class for the `VectorSpace` instance of `GenTrig` instances. It provides method `bd_eval` which 
    gives evaluates a curve `GenTrig` by name.  

    n : int
        Number of discretization points. 
    def __init__(self, n):
        assert isinstance(n, int)
        self.n = n
        super().__init__(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n, endpoint=False))

    def bd_eval(self, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0):
        """Compute a curve for the given coefficients. All parameters will be passed to the
        constructor of `GenTrig`.
        coeffs : array-like
            Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
        nvals : int 
            Number of points to evaluate on
        nderivs : int
            Number of derivatives to compute 
        gentrig=GenTrig(coeffs, nvals, nderivs)
        return gentrig



def bd_eval(self, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0)

Compute a curve for the given coefficients. All parameters will be passed to the constructor of GenTrig.


coeffs : array-like
Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
nvals : int
Number of points to evaluate on
nderivs : int
Number of derivatives to compute

Inherited members

class GenTrig (coeffs, nvals, nderivs)

The class GenTrig describes boundaries of domains in R^2 which are parameterized by z(t) = [z_1(t), z_2(t)] 0<=t<=2pi where z_1 and z_2 are trigonometric polynomials with N coefficient. Here N must be even, so the highest order monomial is cos(tN/2), but sin(tN/2) does not occur. z and its derivatives are sampled at n equidistant points. Application of the Gramian matrix and its inverse w.r.t. the Sobolev norm ||z||_{H^s} are implemented.


coeffs : array-like
Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
nvals : int
Number of points to evaluate on
nderivs : int

Number of derivatives to compute

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class GenTrig:
    r"""The class GenTrig describes boundaries of domains in R^2 which are
     parameterized by
          z(t) = [z_1(t), z_2(t)]      0<=t<=2pi
     where z_1 and z_2 are trigonometric polynomials with N coefficient.
     Here N must be even, so the highest order monomial is cos(t*N/2),
     but sin(t*N/2) does not occur.
     z and its derivatives are sampled at n equidistant points.
     Application of the Gramian matrix and its inverse w.r.t. the
     Sobolev norm ||z||_{H^s} are implemented.
     coeffs : array-like
        Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
     nvals : int 
        Number of points to evaluate on
     nderivs : int
        Number of derivatives to compute 

    def __init__(self, coeffs, nvals, nderivs):
        self.coeff = coeffs
        """Coefficients of the trigonometric polynomials""" 
        self.nvals = nvals
        self.nderivs = nderivs
        """Evaluates the first der derivatives of the parametrization of
        the curve on n equidistant time points"""
        N = int(len(self.coeff)/2)
        val = self.coeff[N:2*N]
        val1 = self.coeff[0:N]

        coeffhat = np.append(trig_interpolate(val1, self.nvals), \
                             trig_interpolate(val, self.nvals)).reshape(2, self.nvals)
        self.z = np.append(np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(coeffhat[0,:]))), \
            np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(coeffhat[1,:])))).reshape(2, coeffhat[0,:].shape[0])
        if self.nderivs>=1:
            """Array indices"""
            self.zp = np.append(np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))*coeffhat[0,:]))), \
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))*coeffhat[1,:])))).reshape(2, coeffhat[0,:].shape[0])
            self.zpabs = np.sqrt(self.zp[0,:]**2 + self.zp[1,:]**2)
            """Outer normal vector"""
            self.normal = np.append(self.zp[1,:], -self.zp[0,:]).reshape(2, self.zp[0, :].shape[0])

        if self.nderivs>=2:
            """Array indices"""
            self.zpp = np.append(np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift( (1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))**2 * coeffhat[0,:]))), \
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))**2 * coeffhat[1,:])))).reshape(2, coeffhat[0, :].shape[0])

        if self.nderivs>=3:
            self.zppp = np.append(np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))**3 * coeffhat[0,:]))), \
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-self.nvals/2, self.nvals/2-1, self.nvals))**3 * coeffhat[1,:])))).reshape(2, coeffhat[0, :].shape[0])
        if self.nderivs>3:
            raise ValueError('only derivatives up to order 3 implemented')

    def der_normal(self, h):
        N = int(len(h)/2)
        n = self.z.shape[1]

        if N == n:
            hn = np.array([h[0:n],\

            val = h[N:2*N]
            val1 = h[0:N]  

            h_hat = np.array([trig_interpolate(val1, n),\
                     trig_interpolate(val, n)])

            hn = np.array([np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(h_hat[0,:]))),\

        return der

    def adjoint_der_normal(self, g):

        N = int(len(self.coeff)/2)
        n = int(len(g))
        if N == n:
            adj = np.array([adj_n[0,:],\
            val = adj_n[0, :]
            val1 = adj_n[1,:]
            adj_hat = np.array([trig_interpolate(val, N), \
                       trig_interpolate(val1, N)])*n/N
            adj = np.append(np.array([np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(adj_hat[:,0]))]),\
        return adj.real
    def arc_length_der(self, h):
            n = int(len(self.zpabs))
            dhds = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift((1j*np.linspace(-n/2, n/2-1, n)).transpose()*trig_interpolate(
                h, n)))/self.zpabs.transpose()
            return dhds

    def coeff_to_curve(self, coeff, n):
        N = int(len(coeff)/2)

        val = coeff[N:2*N]
        val1 = coeff[0:N]
        coeffhat = np.array([trig_interpolate(val1, N),\
                    trig_interpolate(val, N)])
        pts = np.array([np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(coeffhat[0,:]))), \
        return pts

Instance variables

var coeff

Coefficients of the trigonometric polynomials

var nderivs

Evaluates the first der derivatives of the parametrization of the curve on n equidistant time points


def der_normal(self, h)
def adjoint_der_normal(self, g)
def arc_length_der(self, h)
def coeff_to_curve(self, coeff, n)
class StarTrigDiscr (n)

Class for the VectorSpace instance of StarTrigCurve instances. It provides method eval_curve which gives a curve StarTrigCurve.


n : int
Number of discretization points.
Expand source code
class StarTrigDiscr(UniformGridFcts):
    """Class for the `VectorSpace` instance of `StarTrigCurve` instances. It provides 
    method `eval_curve` which gives a curve `StarTrigCurve`.  

    n : int
        Number of discretization points. 
    def __init__(self, n):
        assert isinstance(n, int)
        super().__init__(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n, endpoint=False))

    def eval_curve(self, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0):
        """Compute a curve for the given coefficients. All parameters will be passed to the
        constructor of `StarTrigCurve`.
        coeffs : array-like
            Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
        nvals : int, optional
            Number of points to evaluate on, Defaults : None
        nderivs : int, optional
            Number of derivatives to compute , Defaults : 0
        return StarTrigCurve(self, coeffs, nvals, nderivs)

    def sample(self, f):
        return np.asarray(
            np.broadcast_to(f(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.size, endpoint=False)), self.shape),



def eval_curve(self, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0)

Compute a curve for the given coefficients. All parameters will be passed to the constructor of StarTrigCurve.


coeffs : array-like
Coefficients for which to evaluate the curve
nvals : int, optional
Number of points to evaluate on, Defaults : None
nderivs : int, optional
Number of derivatives to compute , Defaults : 0
def sample(self, f)

Inherited members

class StarTrigCurve (vecsp, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0)

A class representing star shaped 2d curves with radial function parametrized in a trigonometric basis. Should usually be instantiated via StarTrigDiscr.eval_curve().


vecsp : StarTrigDiscr
The underlying vector space.
coeffs : array-like
The coefficient array of the radial function.
nvals : int, optional
How many points on the curve to compute. The points will be at equispaced angles in [0, 2pi). If omitted, the number of points will match the number of coeffs.
nderivs : int, optional
How many derivatives to compute. At most 3 derivatives are implemented.
Expand source code
class StarTrigCurve: 
    """A class representing star shaped 2d curves with radial function parametrized in a
    trigonometric basis. Should usually be instantiated via `StarTrigDiscr.eval_curve`.

    vecsp : StarTrigDiscr
        The underlying vector space.
    coeffs : array-like
        The coefficient array of the radial function.
    nvals : int, optional
        How many points on the curve to compute. The points will be at equispaced angles in
        `[0, 2pi)`. If omitted, the number of points will match the number of `coeffs`.
    nderivs : int, optional
        How many derivatives to compute. At most 3 derivatives are implemented.

    def __init__(self, vecsp, coeffs, nvals=None, nderivs=0):
        assert isinstance(nderivs, int) and 0 <= nderivs <= 3
        self.vecsp = vecsp
        """The vector space."""
        self.coeffs = coeffs
        """The coefficients."""
        self.nvals = nvals or self.vecsp.size
        """The number of computed values."""
        self.nderivs = nderivs
        """The number of computed derivatives."""

        self._frqs = 1j*np.arange(self.vecsp.size // 2 + 1)
        self.radius = (self.nvals / self.vecsp.size) * np.fft.irfft(
            (self._frqs ** np.arange(self.nderivs + 1)[:, np.newaxis])*np.fft.rfft(coeffs),
        """The values of the radial function and its derivatives, shaped `(nderivs + 1, nvals)`."""

        t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.nvals, endpoint=False)
        cost = np.cos(t)
        sint = np.sin(t)

        self.curve = np.zeros((self.nderivs + 1, 2, self.nvals))
        """The points on the curve and its derivatives, shaped `(nderivs + 1, 2, nvals)`."""

        binom = np.ones(self.nderivs + 1, dtype=int)
        for n in range(self.nderivs + 1):
            binom[1:n] += binom[:n-1]
            aux = binom[:n+1, np.newaxis] * self.radius[n::-1]
            even = np.sum(aux[::4], axis=0) - np.sum(aux[2::4], axis=0)
            odd = np.sum(aux[1::4], axis=0) - np.sum(aux[3::4], axis=0)
            self.curve[n, 0] = even * cost - odd * sint
            self.curve[n, 1] = even * sint + odd * cost

        if self.nderivs == 0:

        self.normal = np.stack([self.curve[1, 1], -self.curve[1, 1]])
        """The (unnormalized) outer normal vector as `(2, nvals)` array. Its norm identical to that
        of the tangent vector `curve[1]`."""
        self.tangent_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.normal, axis=0)
        """The absolute values of the tangent and normal vectors as `(nvals,)` array."""

    def derivative(self, h):
        return (self.nvals / self.vecsp.size) * np.fft.irfft(
            np.fft.rfft(h), self.nvals

    def adjoint(self, g):
        return (self.nvals / self.vecsp.size) * adjoint_rfft(
            adjoint_irfft(g, self.vecsp.size // 2 + 1),

    def der_normal(self, h):
        return (self.radius[0] / self.tangent_norm) * self.derivative(h)

    def adjoint_der_normal(self, g):
        return self.adjoint((self.radius[0] / self.tangent_norm)*g)

    def arc_length_der(self, h):
        return (self.nvals / self.vecsp.size) * np.fft.irfft(
            self._frqs * np.fft.rfft(h), self.nvals
        ) / self.tangent_norm

Instance variables

var vecsp

The vector space.

var coeffs

The coefficients.

var nvals

The number of computed values.

var nderivs

The number of computed derivatives.

var radius

The values of the radial function and its derivatives, shaped (nderivs + 1, nvals).

var curve

The points on the curve and its derivatives, shaped (nderivs + 1, 2, nvals).

var normal

The (unnormalized) outer normal vector as (2, nvals) array. Its norm identical to that of the tangent vector curve[1].

var tangent_norm

The absolute values of the tangent and normal vectors as (nvals,) array.


def derivative(self, h)
def adjoint(self, g)
def der_normal(self, h)
def adjoint_der_normal(self, g)
def arc_length_der(self, h)