Module regpy.vecsps.ngsolve

Finite element vector spaces using NGSolve

This module implements a VectorSpace instance for NGSolve spaces. This gives the basic interface to use FES spaces defined in ngsolve to be used as VectorSpacesin regpy.
Operators are using such spaces are implemented in the regpy.operators.ngsolve module. Hilbert spaces and Functionals defined on such spaces can be found in regpy.hilbert.ngsolve and regpy.functionals.ngsolve respectively.


class NgsSpace (fes, bdr=None)
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class NgsSpace(VectorSpace):
    """A vector space wrapping an `ngsolve.FESpace`.

    fes : ngsolve.FESpace
       The wrapped NGSolve vector space.
    bdr : 
        Boundary of the NGSolve vector space.
    def __init__(self, fes, bdr=None):
        assert isinstance(fes, ngs.FESpace)
        self.fes = fes
        self.bdr = bdr
        # Checks if FES is Vector valued and stores the dimension in self.codim
        from netgen.libngpy._meshing import NgException
            self.codim = len(fes.components)
            assert self.codim == fes.mesh.dim
            self._fes_util = ngs.VectorL2(self.fes.mesh, order=0, complex = self.is_complex)
        except NgException:
            self.codim = 1
            self._fes_util = ngs.L2(self.fes.mesh, order=0, complex = self.is_complex)
        self._gfu_util = ngs.GridFunction(self._fes_util)
        self._gfu_fes = ngs.GridFunction(fes)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
            return self.fes == other.fes
            return NotImplemented

    def ones(self):
        return self._gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()

    def rand(self, rand=np.random.random_sample):
        r = rand(self._fes_util.ndof)
        if self.is_complex and not is_complex_dtype(r.dtype):
            c = np.empty(self._fes_util.ndof, dtype=complex)
            c.real = r
            c.imag = rand(self._fes_util.ndof)
            self._gfu_util.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = c            
            self._gfu_util.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = r
        return self._gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()
    def randn(self):
        return self.rand(np.random.standard_normal)

    def to_ngs(self, array):
        gf = ngs.GridFunction(self.fes)
        gf.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = array
        return gf

    def from_ngs(self, ngs_elem):
        if isinstance(ngs_elem,ngs.comp.GridFunction):
            return ngs_elem.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()
            return self._gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()
    def draw(self, coefficient_array, name):
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        gfu_fes = ngs.GridFunction(self.fes)
        gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = coefficient_array
        coefficientfunction = ngs.CoefficientFunction( gfu_fes )
        ngs.Draw(coefficientfunction, self.fes.mesh, name)

    def is_on_boundary(self,array):
        if self.bdr is None:
            return False
        gf = self.to_ngs(array)
        ngs.Projector(self.fes.FreeDofs(), range=True).Project(gf.vec)
        return np.all(gf.vec.FV().NumPy() == 0)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, VectorSpace):
            product_space = DirectSum(self, other, flatten=True)
            if all(product_space.summands[i]==product_space.summands[0] for i in range(len(product_space.summands))):
                product_space.fes = product_space.summands[0].fes
                product_space.bdr = product_space.summands[0].bdr
            return product_space
            return NotImplemented

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, VectorSpace):
            product_space = DirectSum(other, self, flatten=True)
            if all(product_space.summands[i]==product_space.summands[0] for i in range(len(product_space.summands))):
                product_space.fes = product_space.summands[0].fes
                product_space.bdr = product_space.summands[0].bdr
            return product_space            
            return NotImplemented

    def __pow__(self, power):
        assert isinstance(power, int)
        domain = self
        for i in range(power-1):
            domain = DirectSum(domain, self, flatten=True)
        domain.fes = self.fes
        domain.bdr = self.bdr
        return domain

    # By default, even a complex fes would read as a real vector space,
    # since NGSolve parses complexes as double-sized reals.
    # This overwrites the usual check.
    def is_complex(self):
        return self.fes.is_complex

A vector space wrapping an ngsolve.FESpace.


fes : ngsolve.FESpace
The wrapped NGSolve vector space.
Boundary of the NGSolve vector space.



def to_ngs(self, array)
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def to_ngs(self, array):
    gf = ngs.GridFunction(self.fes)
    gf.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = array
    return gf
def from_ngs(self, ngs_elem)
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def from_ngs(self, ngs_elem):
    if isinstance(ngs_elem,ngs.comp.GridFunction):
        return ngs_elem.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()
        return self._gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy().copy()
def draw(self, coefficient_array, name)
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def draw(self, coefficient_array, name):
    assert isinstance(name, str)
    gfu_fes = ngs.GridFunction(self.fes)
    gfu_fes.vec.FV().NumPy()[:] = coefficient_array
    coefficientfunction = ngs.CoefficientFunction( gfu_fes )
    ngs.Draw(coefficientfunction, self.fes.mesh, name)
def is_on_boundary(self, array)
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def is_on_boundary(self,array):
    if self.bdr is None:
        return False
    gf = self.to_ngs(array)
    ngs.Projector(self.fes.FreeDofs(), range=True).Project(gf.vec)
    return np.all(gf.vec.FV().NumPy() == 0)

Inherited members