Module regpy.solvers.linear.admm
class ADMM (setting,
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class ADMM(RegSolver): r"""The ADMM method for minimizing \(\frac{1}{\alpha}S(Tf) + R(f))\. ADMM solves the problem \(\min_{u,v}[F(u)+G(v)])\ under the constraint that \(Au+Bv=b)\. Choosing \[ A:=\begin{pmatrix} T \\ I \end{pmatrix} ,\; B:=\begin{pmatrix} -I & 0 \\ 0 & -I \end{pmatrix}, \; b:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} ,\; F(f):= 0,\; G\begin{pmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \end{pmatrix}:=\frac{1}{\alpha}S(v_1)+R(v_2) ,\; \] leads to a nice splitting of the operator \(T)\ and the functional \(R)\ seen in the Lagrangian \[ L_\gamma(f,v_1,v_2,p_1,p_2):= \frac{1}{\alpha}S(v_1) + R(v_2) - \langle\gamma p_1,Tf-v_1\rangle - \langle\gamma p_2,f-v_2\rangle + \frac{\gamma}{2} \Vert Tf - v_1 \Vert^2 + \frac{\gamma}{2} \Vert f - v_2 \Vert^2. \] The minimization for \(f)\ simply reduces to the minimization of a quadratic Tikhonov functional. This can be achieved by the CG method, but ADMM is particularly efficient if a closed form expression is available for the Tikhonov regularizer as for convolution operators or a matrix factorization. A corresponding `regpy.operators.operator` can be passed as argument. Splitting up the minimization for \(v_1)\ and \(v_2)\ one gets the algorithm below requiring the proximal operators for the penalty and data fidelity functional. Parameters ---------- setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals. init : dict [default: {}] The initial guess. Relevant keys are v1, v2, p1 and p2. If a key does not exist or if the value in None, the corresponding variable is initialized by zero. gamma : float [default: 1] Augmentation to the Lagrangian. Must be strictly greater than zero. proximal_pars_data_fidelity : dict [default: {}] Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the data fidelity term proximal_pars_penalty : dict [default: {}] Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the penalty term regularizedInverse: `regpy.operators.operator` [default: None] The operator \( (T^*T+\I)^{-1} )\. If None, the application of this operator is implemented by CG. cg_pars : dict [default: {}] Parameter dictionary passed to the inner `regpy.solvers.linear.tikhonov.TikhonovCG` solver. logging_level: [default: logging.INFO] logging level """ def __init__(self, setting, init={}, gamma = 1, proximal_pars_data_fidelity = None, proximal_pars_penalty = None, regularizedInverse=None, cg_pars = None,logging_level = logging.INFO): assert isinstance(setting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting) super().__init__(setting) assert self.op.linear assert regularizedInverse is None or (isinstance(regularizedInverse,Operator)) self.log.setLevel(logging_level) self.setting = setting self.v1 = init['v1'] if 'v1' in init and init['v1'] is not None else self.op.codomain.zeros() self.v2 = init['v2'] if 'v2' in init and init['v2'] is not None else self.op.domain.zeros() self.p1 = init['p1'] if 'p1' in init and init['p1'] is not None else self.op.codomain.zeros() self.p2 = init['p2'] if 'p2' in init and init['p2'] is not None else self.op.domain.zeros() self.gamma = gamma """ Augmentation parameter to Lagrangian. """ self.proximal_pars_data_fidelity = proximal_pars_data_fidelity """ Prox parameters of data fidelity.""" self.proximal_pars_penalty = proximal_pars_penalty """ Prox parameters of penalty.""" self.regularizedInverse = regularizedInverse """ operator (T^*T+I)^{-1}""" if cg_pars is None: cg_pars = {} self.cg_pars = cg_pars """The additional `regpy.solvers.linear.tikhonov.TikhonovCG` parameters.""" self.gramXinv = self.h_codomain.gram.inverse """ The inverse of the Gram matrix of the domain of the forward operator""" self.gramY = self.h_codomain.gram """ The Gram matrix of the image space of the forward operator""" if self.regularizedInverse is None: self.x, self.y = TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain), data=self.v1+self.p1, xref=self.v2+self.p2, regpar=1., **self.cg_pars ).run() else: self.x = self.regularizedInverse(self.v2+self.p2 + self.op.adjoint(self.v1+self.p1)) self.y = self.op(self.x) try: gap=self.setting.dualityGap(primal = self.x) self.dualityGapWorks =True'initial duality gap: {}'.format(gap)) except NotImplementedError: self.dualityGapWorks = False def _next(self): self.v1 = self.data_fid.proximal(self.y-self.p1, 1/(self.gamma*self.setting.regpar), self.proximal_pars_data_fidelity) self.v2 = self.penalty.proximal(self.x-self.p2, 1/self.gamma, self.proximal_pars_penalty) self.p1 -= self.gamma*(self.y-self.v1) self.p2 -= self.gamma*(self.x-self.v2) if self.regularizedInverse is None: self.x, self.y = TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain), data=self.v1+self.p1, xref=self.v2+self.p2, regpar=1., **self.cg_pars ).run() else: self.x = self.regularizedInverse(self.v2+self.p2 + self.gramXinv(self.op.adjoint(self.gramY(self.v1+self.p1)))) self.y = self.op(self.x) if self.dualityGapWorks: gap=self.setting.dualityGap(primal = self.x,dual=self.setting.primalToDual(self.y,argumentIsOperatorImage=True) ) self.log.debug('it.{}: duality gap={:.3e}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr,gap))
The ADMM method for minimizing (\frac{1}{\alpha}S(Tf) + R(f)). ADMM solves the problem (\min_{u,v}[F(u)+G(v)])\ under the constraint that (Au+Bv=b). Choosing A:=\begin{pmatrix} T \\ I \end{pmatrix} ,\; B:=\begin{pmatrix} -I & 0 \\ 0 & -I \end{pmatrix}, \; b:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} ,\; F(f):= 0,\; G\begin{pmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \end{pmatrix}:=\frac{1}{\alpha}S(v_1)+R(v_2) ,\; leads to a nice splitting of the operator (T)\ and the functional (R)\ seen in the Lagrangian L_\gamma(f,v_1,v_2,p_1,p_2):= \frac{1}{\alpha}S(v_1) + R(v_2) - \langle\gamma p_1,Tf-v_1\rangle - \langle\gamma p_2,f-v_2\rangle + \frac{\gamma}{2} \Vert Tf - v_1 \Vert^2 + \frac{\gamma}{2} \Vert f - v_2 \Vert^2. The minimization for (f)\ simply reduces to the minimization of a quadratic Tikhonov functional. This can be achieved by the CG method, but ADMM is particularly efficient if a closed form expression is available for the Tikhonov regularizer as for convolution operators or a matrix factorization. A corresponding
can be passed as argument. Splitting up the minimization for (v_1)\ and (v_2)\ one gets the algorithm below requiring the proximal operators for the penalty and data fidelity functional.Parameters
- The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals.
:dict [default: {}]
- The initial guess. Relevant keys are v1, v2, p1 and p2. If a key does not exist or if the value in None, the corresponding variable is initialized by zero.
:float [default: 1]
- Augmentation to the Lagrangian. Must be strictly greater than zero.
:dict [default: {}]
- Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the data fidelity term
:dict [default: {}]
- Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the penalty term
:regpy.operators.operator</code> [default: None]
- The operator ( (T^*T+\I)^{-1} ). If None, the application of this operator is implemented by CG.
:dict [default: {}]
- Parameter dictionary passed to the inner
solver. logging_level
:[default: logging.INFO]
- logging level
Instance variables
var gamma
Augmentation parameter to Lagrangian.
var proximal_pars_data_fidelity
Prox parameters of data fidelity.
var proximal_pars_penalty
Prox parameters of penalty.
var regularizedInverse
operator (T^*T+I)^{-1}
var cg_pars
The additional
parameters. var gramXinv
The inverse of the Gram matrix of the domain of the forward operator
var gramY
The Gram matrix of the image space of the forward operator
Inherited members
class AMA (setting,
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class AMA(RegSolver): r"""The alternating minimization algorithm (AMA) for minimizing \(\frac{1}{\alpha}S(Tf) + R(f))\ with \(R)\ strongly convex. AMA solves the problem \(\min_{u,v}[F(u)+G(v)])\ under the constraint that \(Au+Bv=b)\. We choose \[ T=A, B=-I, b=0, f=u, F=R and G=R \] In contrast to standard ADMM we neglected the quadratic term in the update formula for \(f=u\) leading to the iteration \[ f^{l+1} := \argmin_f[R(f)-\langle T^*p^l,f\rangle]\; g^{l+1} := \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma^{-1}S}(Tf^{l+1)-\gamma^{-1}p^l) p^{l+1} := p^l + \gamma(T f^{l+1}-g^{l+1}) \] Parameters ---------- setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals. init : dict [default: {}] The initial guess. Relevant keys are g and p. If a key does not exist or if the value in None, the corresponding variable is initialized by zero. gamma : float [default: 1] Augmentation to the Lagrangian. Must be strictly greater than zero. proximal_pars_data_fidelity : dict [default: {}] Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the data fidelity term logging_level: [default: logging.INFO] logging level """ def __init__(self, setting, init={}, gamma = 1, proximal_pars_data_fidelity = None, proximal_pars_penalty = None, regularizedInverse=None, cg_pars = None,logging_level = logging.INFO): assert isinstance(setting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting) super().__init__(setting) assert self.op.linear assert regularizedInverse is None or (isinstance(regularizedInverse,Operator)) self.log.setLevel(logging_level) self.setting = setting self.g = init['g'] if 'g' in init and init['g'] is not None else self.op.codomain.zeros() self.p = init['p'] if 'p' in init and init['p'] is not None else self.op.codomain.zeros() self.gamma = gamma """ Augmentation parameter to Lagrangian. """ self.proximal_pars_data_fidelity = proximal_pars_data_fidelity """ Prox parameters of data fidelity.""" self.proximal_pars_penalty = proximal_pars_penalty """ Prox parameters of penalty.""" self.gramY = self.h_codomain.gram """ The gram matrix of the image space""" try: gap=self.setting.dualityGap(primal = self.x) self.dualityGapWorks =True'initial duality gap: {}'.format(gap)) except NotImplementedError: self.dualityGapWorks = False def _next(self): Tstar_p = self.op.adjoint(self.gramY(self.p)) self.f = self.penalty.conj.subgradient(Tstar_p) if not self.penalty.is_subgradient(Tstar_p,self.f): raise Warning('update f may not be correct') Tf = self.op(self.f) self.g = self.data_fid.prox(Tf-(1./self.gamma)*self.p,1./self.gamma) self.p += self.gamma*(self.g - Tf) if self.dualityGapWorks: gap=self.setting.dualityGap(primal = self.x,dual=self.gramY(self.p)) self.log.debug('it.{}: duality gap={:.3e}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr,gap))
The alternating minimization algorithm (AMA) for minimizing \frac{1}{\alpha}S(Tf) + R(f))\ with \(R)\ strongly convex. AMA solves the problem \(\min_{u,v}[F(u)+G(v)])\ under the constraint that \(Au+Bv=b)\. We choose \[ T=A, B=-I, b=0, f=u, F=R and G=R \] In contrast to standard ADMM we neglected the quadratic term in the update formula for \(f=u leading to the iteration f^{l+1} := \argmin_f[R(f)-\langle T^*p^l,f\rangle]\; g^{l+1} := \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma^{-1}S}(Tf^{l+1)-\gamma^{-1}p^l) p^{l+1} := p^l + \gamma(T f^{l+1}-g^{l+1})
- The setting of the forward problem. Includes the penalty and data fidelity functionals.
:dict [default: {}]
- The initial guess. Relevant keys are g and p. If a key does not exist or if the value in None, the corresponding variable is initialized by zero.
:float [default: 1]
- Augmentation to the Lagrangian. Must be strictly greater than zero.
:dict [default: {}]
- Parameter dictionary passed to the computation of the prox-operator for the data fidelity term
:[default: logging.INFO]
- logging level
Instance variables
var gamma
Augmentation parameter to Lagrangian.
var proximal_pars_data_fidelity
Prox parameters of data fidelity.
var proximal_pars_penalty
Prox parameters of penalty.
var gramY
The gram matrix of the image space
Inherited members