Module regpy.solvers.linear.semismoothNewton
def getPenaltyParamsFromFunctional(R, gram=None)
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def getPenaltyParamsFromFunctional(R,gram=None): r""" Extract the parameters `ub`, `lb`, `x0`, \(\alpah)\ from a functional \[ R(x) = \frac{\alpha}{2} \|x-x_0\|^2 +c if lb\leq x\leq ub R(x) = \infty else \] Parameter ----------- R: regpy.functional.Functional The functional to be analyzed. gram: regpy.operator.Operator [default: None] Gram matrix of the dual Hilbert space. Only used if R is a conjugate functional """ assert isinstance(R,Functional) if isinstance(R,QuadraticBilateralConstraints): return R.ub,, R.x0, 1. elif isinstance(R,HorizontalShiftDilation): ub,lb,x0,alpha = getPenaltyParamsFromFunctional(R.F,gram) if R.shift is None: shift = R.domain.zeros() else: shift = R.shift if R.dilation >0: return shift + (1./R.dilation)*ub, shift + (1./R.dilation)*lb, shift+(1./R.dilation)*x0, alpha*R.dilation**2 else: return shift + (1./R.dilation)*lb, shift + (1./R.dilation)*ub, shift+(1./R.dilation)*x0, alpha*R.dilation**2 elif isinstance(R,Conj): return getPenaltyParamsFromConjFunctional(R.func,gram.inverse) else: raise TypeError('Unknown or inappropriate type of functional')
Extract the parameters
, (\alpah)\ from a functional R(x) = \frac{\alpha}{2} \|x-x_0\|^2 +c if lb\leq x\leq ub R(x) = \infty elseParameter
R: regpy.functional.Functional The functional to be analyzed. gram: regpy.operator.Operator [default: None] Gram matrix of the dual Hilbert space. Only used if R is a conjugate functional
def getPenaltyParamsFromConjFunctional(Rs, gram)
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def getPenaltyParamsFromConjFunctional(Rs,gram): r""" Extract the parameters `ub`, `lb`, `x0`, \(\alpah)\ from a functional \(R\), the conjugate of which has the form \[ R^*(x) = \frac{\alpha}{2} \|x-x_0\|^2 +c if lb\leq x\leq ub R^*(x) = \infty else \] Parameter ----------- Rs: regpy.functional.Functional The functional to be analyzed. gram: regpy.operator.Operator [default: None] Gram matrix of the Hilbert space on which Rs is defined """ assert isinstance(Rs,Functional) if isinstance(Rs,Huber): return gram(Rs.sigma), gram(-Rs.sigma), gram.domain.zeros(), 1. elif isinstance(Rs,LinearCombination): assert len(Rs.coeffs)==1 ub, lb, x0, alpha = getPenaltyParamsFromConjFunctional(Rs.funcs[0],gram) lam = Rs.coeffs[0] assert lam>0 return lam*ub, lam*lb, x0 , alpha/lam elif isinstance(Rs,HorizontalShiftDilation): assert Rs.dilation == 1. ub, lb, x0, alpha = getPenaltyParamsFromConjFunctional(Rs.F,gram) return ub, lb, (x0 if Rs.shift is None else x0- (1./alpha)*Rs.shift), alpha else: raise TypeError('Unknown or inappropriate type of functional')
Extract the parameters
, \alpah)\ from a functional \(R, the conjugate of which has the form R^*(x) = \frac{\alpha}{2} \|x-x_0\|^2 +c if lb\leq x\leq ub R^*(x) = \infty elseParameter
Rs: regpy.functional.Functional The functional to be analyzed. gram: regpy.operator.Operator [default: None] Gram matrix of the Hilbert space on which Rs is defined
class SemismoothNewton_bilateral (*args, cg_pars=None, logging_level=20, cg_logging_level=20, x0=None, **kwargs)
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class SemismoothNewton_bilateral(RegSolver): r"""Semismooth Newton method for minimizing quadratic Tikhonov functionals \[ \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2 subject to bilateral constraints psi_minus \leq x \leq psi_plus \] Parameters ---------- Either 3 positional argument: setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data : array-like The measured data. regpar : float The regularization parameter. Must be positive. xref: array-like, default: None Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros(). x0: array-like, default: None Zeroth iterate. If None, x0=xref psi_plus: array-like, default: None The upper bound. In the default case it is +inf psi_minus: array-like, default: None The lower bound. In the default case it is -inf cg_pars: dictionary, default: None Parameters of CG method for minimizing Tikhonov functional on inactive set in each SS Newton step. logging_level: Loglevel default: logging:INFO cg_logging_level: Loglevel default: logging.INFO or 1 positional argument: setting : regpy.solver.TikhonovRegularizationSetting In this case - setting.penalty has to be an instance of one of the following classes: * QuadraticBilateralConstraints, * conj of Huber * conj of HorizontalShiftDilation of Huber Then psi_plus, psi_minus, xref and regpar are extracted from setting.penalty. - setting.data_fid has to be a shifted quadratic functional, and data is extracted from the shift. - regpar is setting.regpar Keyword arguments x0, cg_pars, logging_level, and cg_logging_level are as for the case of 3 positional arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, cg_pars = None, logging_level = logging.INFO, cg_logging_level = logging.INFO,x0=None, **kwargs ): if len(args)==3: setting, data, regpar = args assert isinstance(setting,RegularizationSetting) if 'psi_plus' in kwargs: psi_plus = kwargs['psi_plus'] else: psi_plus = None if 'psi_minus' in kwargs: psi_minus = kwargs['psi_minus'] else: psi_minus = None if 'xref' in kwargs: xref = kwargs['xref'] else: xref = None alpha_fac = 1. elif len(args)==1: Tsetting = args[0] assert isinstance(Tsetting,TikhonovRegularizationSetting) R = Tsetting.penalty gram = Tsetting.h_domain.gram psi_plus, psi_minus, xref, alpha_fac = getPenaltyParamsFromFunctional(R,gram) regpar= Tsetting.regpar gramY = Tsetting.h_codomain.gram data = -gramY.inverse(Tsetting.data_fid.subgradient(Tsetting.op.codomain.zeros())) setting = RegularizationSetting(Tsetting.op, GramHilbertSpace(R.hessian(0.5*(psi_plus+psi_minus))), GramHilbertSpace(Tsetting.data_fid.hessian(Tsetting.op.codomain.zeros())) ) else: raise TypeError('SemismoothNewton_bilateral takes either 1 or 3 positional arguments ({} given)'.format(len(args))) super().__init__(setting) assert self.op.domain.dtype == float """The measured data""" self.regpar=regpar * alpha_fac """The regularizaton parameter.""" self.xref = (1./alpha_fac)*xref if xref is not None else setting.op.domain.zeros() """The initial guess.""" if x0 is None: if xref is None: self.x=self.op.domain.zeros() else: self.x = np.copy(self.xref) else: self.x = np.copy(x0) if cg_pars is None: cg_pars = {'tol': 0.001/np.sqrt(self.regpar)} self.cg_pars = cg_pars """The additional `regpy.solvers.linear.tikhonov.TikhonovCG` parameters.""" if psi_minus is None: self.psi_minus = -np.inf*np.ones_like(self.x) else: self.psi_minus=psi_minus """The lower bound.""" if psi_plus is None: self.psi_plus = np.inf*np.ones_like(self.x) else: self.psi_plus=psi_plus """The upper bound.""" assert np.all(self.psi_minus < self.psi_plus) self.log.setLevel(logging_level) self.cg_logging_level = cg_logging_level self.b=self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.op.adjoint(self.h_codomain.gram( if self.xref is not None: self.b += self.regpar*self.xref """Prepare first iteration step""" self.lam_plus = np.zeros_like(self.b) self.lam_minus = np.zeros_like(self.b) tikhcg=TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain),, regpar=self.regpar, xref=self.xref, x0 = self.x, logging_level=self.cg_logging_level, **self.cg_pars ) self.x, self.y = cg_its = tikhcg.iteration_step_nr self.active_plus = (self.lam_plus +self.regpar*(self.x-self.psi_plus ))>=0 self.active_minus = (self.lam_minus-self.regpar*(self.x-self.psi_minus))>=0 if not np.any(self.active_plus) and not np.any(self.active_minus):'Stopped at 0th iterate.') self.converge() self.log.debug('it {}: CG its {}; changes active sets +{},-{}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr,cg_its, np.sum(1.*self.active_minus+self.active_plus),0 ) ) def _next(self): """compute active and inactive sets, need to be computed in each step again""" self.active_plus_old=self.active_plus self.active_minus_old=self.active_minus = np.logical_or(self.active_plus, self.active_minus) self.inactive= np.logical_not( # On the active sets the solution takes the values of the constraints. self.x[self.active_plus]=self.psi_plus[self.active_plus] self.x[self.active_minus]=self.psi_minus[self.active_minus] # Lagrange parameters are 0 where the corresponing constraints are not active. self.lam_plus[self.inactive]=0 self.lam_plus[self.active_minus]=0 self.lam_minus[self.inactive]=0 self.lam_minus[self.active_plus]=0 projection = CoordinateMask(self.h_domain.vecsp, self.inactive) cg_its = 0 if'all indices active!') else: tikhcg = TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op * projection, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain),, regpar=self.regpar, xref=projection(self.xref), x0 = projection(self.x), logging_level=self.cg_logging_level, **self.cg_pars ) f, _ = self.x[self.inactive] = f[self.inactive] cg_its = tikhcg.iteration_step_nr self.y = self.op(self.x) z = self.regpar*self.x + self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.op.adjoint(self.h_codomain.gram(self.y))) self.lam_plus[self.active_plus] = self.b[self.active_plus] -z[self.active_plus] self.lam_minus[self.active_minus]=-self.b[self.active_minus]+z[self.active_minus] #Update active and inactive sets self.active_plus = (self.lam_plus +self.regpar*(self.x-self.psi_plus )) >=0 self.active_minus = (self.lam_minus-self.regpar*(self.x-self.psi_minus)) >=0 added_ind = np.sum(np.logical_and(self.active_plus, np.logical_not(self.active_plus_old ))) \ + np.sum(np.logical_and(self.active_minus, np.logical_not(self.active_minus_old))) removed_ind = np.sum(np.logical_and(self.active_plus_old, np.logical_not(self.active_plus))) \ + np.sum(np.logical_and(self.active_minus_old, np.logical_not(self.active_minus)))'it {}: CG its {}, changes active sets +{},-{}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr, cg_its, added_ind, removed_ind ) ) if added_ind+removed_ind==0: self.converge()
Semismooth Newton method for minimizing quadratic Tikhonov functionals \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2 subject to bilateral constraints psi_minus \leq x \leq psi_plus
- Either 3 positional argument:
- The setting of the forward problem.
- The measured data.
- The regularization parameter. Must be positive.
, default: None
- Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros().
, default: None
- Zeroth iterate. If None, x0=xref
, default: None
- The upper bound. In the default case it is +inf
, default: None
- The lower bound. In the default case it is -inf
, default: None
- Parameters of CG method for minimizing Tikhonov functional on inactive set in each SS Newton step.
- default: logging:INFO
- default: logging.INFO
- or 1 positional argument:
In this case - setting.penalty has to be an instance of one of the following classes: * QuadraticBilateralConstraints, * conj of Huber * conj of HorizontalShiftDilation of Huber Then psi_plus, psi_minus, xref and regpar are extracted from setting.penalty. - setting.data_fid has to be a shifted quadratic functional, and data is extracted from the shift. - regpar is setting.regpar Keyword arguments x0, cg_pars, logging_level, and cg_logging_level are as for the case of 3 positional arguments.
Instance variables
var data
The measured data
var regpar
The regularizaton parameter.
var xref
The initial guess.
var cg_pars
The additional
Inherited members
class SemismoothNewton_nonneg (setting,
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class SemismoothNewton_nonneg(RegSolver): r"""Semismooth Newton method for minimizing quadratic Tikhonov functionals \[ \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2 subject to x>=0 \] Compared to SemismoothNewton_bilateral, less storage is needed, and an a-posteriori stopping rule can be used. By a change of variables, arbitrary lower bounds x\geq \psi may be used. Parameters ---------- setting : regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data : array-like The measured data. regpar : float The regularization parameter. Must be positive. xref: array-like, default: None Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros(). x0: array-like, default: None First iterate. If None, then x0=xref lambda0: array-like, default: None Initial guess for Lagrange parameter cg_pars: dictionary, default: None Parameters of CG method for minimizing Tikhnonov functional on inactive set in each SS Newton step. TOL: float, default: 0 Tolerance for absolute error in standard l^2-norm for a-posteriori duality gap error estimate given by \|x-xtrue\|_2^2 \leq \|[T^*p-xref]_+-x\|^2 - 2 <[T^*p-xref]_-,x> \leq TOL^2 where p =-(Tx-data)/regpar logging_level: default: logging:INFO cg_logging_level: default: logging.INFO """ def __init__(self,setting, data, regpar, xref = None, x0=None, lambda0=None, cg_pars = None, TOL = 0., logging_level = logging.INFO, cg_logging_level = logging.INFO): assert isinstance(setting,RegularizationSetting) super().__init__(setting) assert self.op.domain.dtype == float """The measured data""" self.xref = xref """The reference value in the Tikhonov functional.""" if x0 is None: if xref is None: self.x=self.op.domain.zeros() else: self.x = np.copy(xref) else: self.x = np.copy(x0) """The current iterate""" self.regpar=regpar """The regularizaton parameter.""" if cg_pars is None: cg_pars = {'tol': 0.001/np.sqrt(self.regpar)} self.cg_pars = cg_pars """The additional `regpy.solvers.linear.tikhonov.TikhonovCG` parameters.""" self.TOL = TOL """Absolute tolerance.""" self.log.setLevel(logging_level) self.cg_logging_level = cg_logging_level """Prepare first iteration step""" self.y = self.op(self.x) self.b=self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.op.adjoint(self.h_codomain.gram( if self.xref is not None: self.b += self.regpar*self.xref self.lam = lambda0 if lambda0 is not None else np.zeros_like(self.b) tikhcg=TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain),, regpar=self.regpar, xref=self.xref, x0 = self.xref, logging_level=self.cg_logging_level, **self.cg_pars ) self.x, self.y = cg_its = tikhcg.iteration_step_nr (self.lam-self.regpar*self.x)>=0 if not np.any('Stopped at 0th iterate.') self.converge() self.log.debug('it {}: CG its {}; changes active set +{},-{}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr,cg_its, np.sum(1.*,0 ) ) def _next(self): """compute active and inactive sets, need to be computed in each step again""" self.inactive= np.logical_not( # On the active sets the solution takes the values of the constraints. self.x[]=0 # Lagrange parameters are 0 where the corresponing constraints are not active. self.lam[self.inactive]=0 projection = CoordinateMask(self.h_domain.vecsp, self.inactive) cg_its = 0 if self.log.debug('all indices active!') else: tikhcg=TikhonovCG( setting=RegularizationSetting(self.op * projection, self.h_domain, self.h_codomain),, regpar=self.regpar, xref=self.xref, x0 = projection(self.x), logging_level=self.cg_logging_level, **self.cg_pars ) f, _ = cg_its = tikhcg.iteration_step_nr self.x[self.inactive] = f[self.inactive] self.y = self.op(self.x) z = self.h_domain.gram_inv(self.op.adjoint(self.h_codomain.gram(self.y)))-self.b aux = (-1/self.regpar)*z bound = np.linalg.norm(np.maximum(aux,0)-self.x)**2 - 2*np.vdot(np.maximum(-aux,0),self.x) if np.sqrt(bound)<=self.TOL:'Stopped by a-posteriori error estimate.') self.converge() z += self.regpar*self.x self.lam[]=z[] #Update active and inactive sets = (self.lam-self.regpar*self.x)>=0 added_ind = np.sum(np.logical_and(, np.logical_not(self.active_old))) removed_ind = np.sum(np.logical_and(self.active_old, np.logical_not( self.log.debug('it {}: CG its {}; changes active set +{},-{}; error bound {:1.2e}/{:1.2e}'.format(self.iteration_step_nr, cg_its, added_ind, removed_ind, np.sqrt(bound),self.TOL ) ) if added_ind+removed_ind==0: self.converge()
Semismooth Newton method for minimizing quadratic Tikhonov functionals \Vert T x - data\Vert^2 + regpar * \Vert x - xref\Vert^2 subject to x>=0
Compared to SemismoothNewton_bilateral, less storage is needed, and an a-posteriori stopping rule can be used. By a change of variables, arbitrary lower bounds x\geq \psi may be used.
- The setting of the forward problem.
- The measured data.
- The regularization parameter. Must be positive.
, default: None
- Reference value in the Tikhonov functional. The default is equivalent to xref = setting.op.domain.zeros().
, default: None
- First iterate. If None, then x0=xref
, default: None
- Initial guess for Lagrange parameter
, default: None
- Parameters of CG method for minimizing Tikhnonov functional on inactive set in each SS Newton step.
, default: 0
- Tolerance for absolute error in standard l^2-norm for a-posteriori duality gap error estimate given by |x-xtrue|2^2 \leq |[T^p-xref]_+-x|^2 - 2 <[T^p-xref]-,x> \leq TOL^2 where p =-(Tx-data)/regpar
:default: logging:INFO
:default: logging.INFO
Instance variables
var data
The measured data
var xref
The reference value in the Tikhonov functional.
var regpar
The regularizaton parameter.
var cg_pars
The additional
parameters. var TOL
Absolute tolerance.
var cg_logging_level
Prepare first iteration step
Inherited members
class SemismoothNewtonAlphaGrid (setting,
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class SemismoothNewtonAlphaGrid(RegSolver): r"""Class runnning Tikhononv regularization with bound constraints on a grid of different regularization parameters. Parameters: setting: regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data: array-like The right hand side. alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q) In the latter case the seuqence \((alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...}\) is generated. xref: array-like, default None initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros() max_Newton_iter: int, default: 50 maximum number of Newton iterations tol_fac: float, default: 0.33 absolute tolerance for termination of SSNewton by a-posteriori error estimation is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha) tol_fac_cg: float, default: 1e-6 absolute tolerance for inner cg iteration is tol_fac_cg/sqrt(alpha) """ def __init__(self,setting, data, alphas, xref=None,max_Newton_iter=50, delta=None, tol_fac = 0.33, tol_fac_cg = 1e-6, logging_level= logging.INFO): super().__init__(setting) if isinstance(alphas,tuple) and len(alphas)==2: self._alphas = GeometricSequence(alphas[0],alphas[1]) else: self._alphas = iter(alphas) = data """Right hand side of the operator equation.""" self.xref = xref """initial guess in Tikhonov functional.""" if self.xref is not None: self.x = self.xref self.y = self.op(self.xref) else: self.x = self.op.domain.zeros() self.y = self.op.codomain.zeros() self.max_Newton_iter = max_Newton_iter """maximum number of CG iterations.""" self.tol_fac = tol_fac """absolute tolerance for termination of SSNewton by a-posteriori error estimation""" self.tol_fac_cg = tol_fac_cg """tolerance factor for inner cg iteration""" self.logging_level = logging_level """logging level for CG iteration.""" def _next(self): try: if hasattr(self,'alpha'): self.alpha_old = self.alpha self.alpha = next(self._alphas) except StopIteration: return self.converge() setting = RegularizationSetting(op=self.op, penalty = self.h_domain, data_fid = self.h_codomain) inner_stoprule = CountIterations(max_iterations=self.max_Newton_iter) inner_stoprule.log = self.log.getChild('CountIterations') inner_stoprule.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if not hasattr(self,'alpha_old'): SSNewton = SemismoothNewton_nonneg(setting,,self.alpha,xref=self.xref, TOL = self.tol_fac / np.sqrt(self.alpha), cg_pars = {'tol': self.tol_fac_cg / np.sqrt(self.alpha)}, logging_level=self.logging_level, cg_logging_level = logging.WARNING ) else: lambda0 = (self.alpha/self.alpha_old)*self.lam SSNewton = SemismoothNewton_nonneg(setting,,self.alpha,xref=self.xref,x0=self.x,lambda0=lambda0, TOL = self.tol_fac / np.sqrt(self.alpha), cg_pars = {'tol': self.tol_fac_cg / np.sqrt(self.alpha)}, logging_level=self.logging_level, cg_logging_level = logging.WARNING ) self.x, self.y = self.lam = SSNewton.lam'alpha = {}, SS Newton its = {}'.format(self.alpha,inner_stoprule.iteration))
Class runnning Tikhononv regularization with bound constraints on a grid of different regularization parameters.
Parameters: setting: regpy.solvers.RegularizationSetting The setting of the forward problem. data: array-like The right hand side. alphas: Either an iterable giving the grid of alphas or a tuple (alpha0,q) In the latter case the seuqence (alpha0*q^n)_{n=0,1,2,...} is generated. xref: array-like, default None initial guess in Tikhonov functional. Default corresponds to zeros() max_Newton_iter: int, default: 50 maximum number of Newton iterations tol_fac: float, default: 0.33 absolute tolerance for termination of SSNewton by a-posteriori error estimation is tol_fac/sqrt(alpha) tol_fac_cg: float, default: 1e-6 absolute tolerance for inner cg iteration is tol_fac_cg/sqrt(alpha)
Instance variables
var data
Right hand side of the operator equation.
var xref
initial guess in Tikhonov functional.
var max_Newton_iter
maximum number of CG iterations.
var tol_fac
absolute tolerance for termination of SSNewton by a-posteriori error estimation
var tol_fac_cg
tolerance factor for inner cg iteration
var logging_level
logging level for CG iteration.
Inherited members